just take my wallet

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Just take my wallet- jack stauber.

Y/ns pov

The next day, I was doing Mabels laundry.

She was taking care of Maxines baby so she couldn't do it.

I hang up her shirts when I hear a scream. But not just any scream. My brother's scream.

I drop everything and run and see some man attacking my brother while Marlene runs with the kids.

I grab my gun and shoot the guy in the leg. He screams and drops my brother.

I grab the guy and restrain his arm so he can't grab me.

I unbuckle my belt and tie the guys hands behind his back.

Robert helps me tie him to a chair. "He attacked Caroline and Maxine." He says.

"They deserved it -" I punch the guy. "Shut the fuck up, or I swear to God I will chop your head off and have our biggest guy use you as a fleshlight." I threaten.

He just scoffs and looks at the ground.

"What's your name?" I ask. He just breathes heavily. "Answer me motherfucker." I say getting in his face.

"Paul.." he mumbles. "Speak up! If your so big and bad speak the fuck up!" I say.

"Paul.. I'm maxines husband.." he says. "So you beat her up? Woah, what a man you are." I say pointing my gun at him.

"Please.. I just wanted to see my kid.." he says. "So you beat your wife? I wonder why she won't let you see your daughter.." I say.

"Auntie y/n! Let me help you.." I turn and see Aiden.

"Aiden get back upstairs.." I say. "I can help!" He says. "Aiden! Go upstairs and protect your mom and brother I'll talk with you later." I say.

Robert takes him upstairs while he continues to protest. I hear Paul struggle.

He had gotten the belt off. He pushes me to the floor but screams in pain as his crushed arm has applied pressure.

I grab him by his hair and drag him into the basement.

He kept trying to bite me. "Aye!" I say, hitting him with my belt.

"I think I just saw mom for a split second." Robert says. I sigh. I wanted to laugh but there was an actual fucking psycho in the basement.

We try to get him to say things but nothing was working. "Everything ok?" Dusty asks coming down.

"Yeah, I think we have a fucking masochist on ours hands though. Fucker isn't saying anything." I say.

"Nothing left to say I told you all I know.." Paul says spitting blood.

"Maxine is wond3ring if everything is ok." Dusty says. "Tell that bitch to let me see my kid!" Paul says.

I smack him with my gun. He groans.

"Tell her I'll deal with it.. just make sure everyone is safe, I'll take care of him.." I say. Dusty gives me a small smile and walks off. "I have to check on Marlene.. I'll be back, you got him?" Robert asks.

"Yeah.." I say. He nods and leaves. "So what now. You gonna kill me? I'm practically dead anyways." He says sniffling.

"What do you mean?" I ask my heart growing heavy. "Guess you didn't get the whole truth out, sweetheart." He says.

I cock my gun and aim it at him. His eyes grew dark as he rolled up his sleeve, his arm was covered in dried blood, then he revealed a nasty, sticky., slimy bite mark.. it was definitely real, it had yellow stems around it, it was fresh, but he was for sure a goner.

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