Chapter 6

620 9 0

Sangie:2 and a half








W⚠️W 1 swearword

Third person PoV:

Today the members were filming a Wanteez episode and were getting ready to promote their new album for their comeback soon.

Sangie was feeling very tired, however very much enjoying filming Wanteez, Joongie was stressed and tired and seemingly more stressed with preparing for their new album, the other members seemingly ok and doing fine with Woo and San being excited for their new album release and filming Wanteez.

Everyone was feeling different emotions at the moment so it was hard to differentiate each members needs, specifically the littles, the caregivers were more or less ok with everything, so they were mainly concerned for the littles especially Hongjoong and Yeosang, they didn't need to worry about WooSan as they were doing ok with everything.

They finally got back to the dorms and a set of giggles start to run through the house, loud giggles to be more specific as well as a set of tears and just one tired baby who didn't give a shit and just wanted some chicken and his bed so he could finally relax after a long day of hard work.

Jongho and Mingi went off after the rambunctious twins so that they could have dinner and get ready for bed, Yunho went to the crying little so he could calm the baby and Seonghwa went over to the tired little.

Sh-"What's wrong Sangie?"

Ys-"I tiwed, I wan food n be' (bed)"

Sh-"Ok Sangie"

Seonghwa set the table and got the food ready, there was some 'special' chicken for Yeosang, and 'normal' chicken for Woo, Sannie, and the rest of the members except Hongjoong had chicken and noodles, Joongie however was too little and too tired to eat solid food so he just had some soup for dinner.

Everyone finished their dinner and went to their bathrooms to wash up, they ran two baths, one bath for Sangie and Joongie, they were being cleaned by Seonghwa and Yunho and in the other bath Woo and Sannie were being washed together by Jongho and Mingi.

The twins were very difficult to wash up as they kept messing around and splashing water everywhere, they did manage (Jongho and Mingi) to finally clean the twins, and they took them into their room and get them into pull ups and onesies as well as cleaning their teeth and putting them on the couch to watch some tv whilst Jongho made warm milk for them, Jongho made sure to give San his paci.

On the other hand Joongie and Sangie were very easy to bathe as they didn't mess around, Sangie played with some bath toys and Joongie was just whining, he really want to sleep and to him bath time was taking too long, he really wanted to cuddle up with his Mama and sleep.

Their bath time was over, Yunho had decided that he would get Sangie ready for bed whilst Seonghwa got Joongie ready for bed. Yunho gof Sangie in to a pull up and a two piece pyjama set, he then got Sangie a sippy cup of milk, Jongho was also down in the kit and getting two sippy cups of warm milk for the twins, to help them fall asleep.

J-"You getting a sippy cup for Sangie?"

Y-"Yeah, you getting for the twins?"

J-"Yeah, if you want I can make Sangie's as well as Joongie's bottle whilst you go and get a shower like Mingi, and get ready for bed?"

Y-"Are you sure?@"


Y-"Ok, but what about the twins, where are they?"

J-"Don't worry, they're in the living room watching some cartoons"

Y-"Ok, thanks Jongho"

J-"No problem"

On the other side, Seonghwa had gotten Hongjoong in to a diaper and in to a legless onesie, he gave him a paci and quickly got dressed in to some pyjamas, he figured he could have two showers tomorrow, just as he finished Jongho came in with a warm bottle of milk for Joongie and gave it to him, he layed on the bed with his head resting on the board with Joongie on top of him and fed Joongie his bottle, Joongie fell right asleep after finishing his bottle so Seonghwa placed the bottle on to the bedside table and then turned the small light off and then joined Joongie in sleep with his arms wrapped around Joongie in a protective manner.

Jongho had given the twins their sippy cups as well as Sangie, once he gave it to Sangie, Sangie immediately drank it all and fell asleep right after he finished it , once the twins had finished drinking their milk, he then took them to bed and got himself a quick shower and ready for bed.

Jongho went to check on everyone, Seonghwa and Joongie were asleep, so were the twins and Sangie, he then went to check on Yungi and found them asleep, so Jonho finally went to bed and finally sleep.

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