Chapter 19

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You can guess the littles ages cos I have no clue

Third person PoV:

For their last week off, the group decided to go to another country for a week, the country they went to was Thailand for their last week off and of course Hongjoong, Sangie, Wooyoung and San being in littlespace for the entire week.

Day 1:

First day one the group went to Wat Phra Chetuphon.

The roommate arrangements were Hongjoong and Jongho, San and Mingi, Yeosang and Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Yunho.

Jongho woke up first and got dressed and did his morning routine before heading over to a sleeping Joongie and waking him up and getting him ready by diapering him and dressing him then helping him with his morning routine, then heading to the breakfast bar restaurant to wait for the others.

The next person to wake up is San, who wales up Mingi, Mingi helps San get dressed into a diaper as he is feeling younger and getting them both ready before meeting the others for breakfast.

The next to wake up was Seonghwa and Yeosang, then Yunho and Wooyoung, they all got ready and met the other four for breakfast.

After breakfast they headed to the temple and stayed there for 2 hours, they then headed to the Grand Palace before deciding to head back to the hotel to do some leisure and eat food.

Day 2:

For their 2nd day they decided to go to the green elephant sanctuary park.

They decided they would go in the afternoon, so in the afternoon, so instead of having breakfast, they had brunch.

The morning routines were the same, however the wake up order was different, first to wake up was Seonghwa and Yeosang then Wooyoung and Yunho, then Hongjoong and Jongho and lastly Mingi and San. The littles played for a while before heading to brunch.

After brunch they headed to the elephant sanctuary where they interacted with the elephants, they stayed there for around 3 hours before deciding it was time to go.

For dinner they went to Chin Thai restaurant, after food they went back to the hotel.

Day 3:

For day 3 they went to banana beach.

They decided to take a picnic with them as they were staying there for practically the whole day.

The caregivers got the littles dressed into the appropriate beachwear and packed them some beach toys to play with.

They all had breakfast at the hotel restaurant then departed for the beach.

They stayed there till around 5pm when they decided to head back to the hotel.

They got dressed into normal clothes after having a shower or a bath in the littles case, they then had dinner at the hotel restaurant.

Day 4:

For day for they went to dream world.

They all woke up at 8am to get ready and have breakfast and head to Dream world.

They arrived there for 10am and stayed there till 6pm.

To say that it was ok was inaccurate, it was very fun, the members really enjoyed Dream world.

They were hungry but also tired from the days events.

They went back to the hotel and decided just to order room service as they didn't have any energy to eat at the hotel restaurant.

After dinner they decided just to get ready for bed and sleep.

Day 5:

Today was the day day they would be flying back to Korea as they would be going back on schedules, but their flight wasn't until 8pm and they didn't have to check out til 3pm so they went to Baiyoke Sky tower and to old Phuket town.

The members as usual went to have breakfast at the restaurant hotel at around 8am.

They got ready and went to old Phuket town and wondered around til around 12 and they went to Baiyoke Sky tower and ate there, they stayed there for an hour before heading back to the hotel to pack and checkout.

They managed to checkout of the hotel just before it turned 3.

They went to the clock tower Chiang Rai and at around 5 they decided to head back to the airport.

They ate food before getting on the plane to Korea.


These places are actually real, I went on to trip advisor for ideas for activities.

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