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Little: HongJoong and Jongho


Wooyoung- Mama
Jongho (nickname petal)- 2-4
Joongie (nickname bubba)- 0-3

Third person PoV:

Today we are in WooJongJoong's dorm, and currently the littles are having a bit of an argument with each other.

Jh-"Nwo Jwoogie, it mwine, I pway wif it fiwst"

J-"Bu' I wanna p'ay"


J-"Mama, 'Ongie nwot wetting mwe p'ay"

W-"Jongie, please share the toys with Joongie, I got them for both of you to play with"

Jh-"But I pwaying wif dis fiwst, he aw-ways pway wif dis toy, an' copies mwe an' twakes what I pway wif"

J-"No I not"

Jh-"Yeah ywou dwo"



W-"Boys, stop arguing with each other"

J-"B-but mama"

W-"No but's Joongie, if Jongie wants to play with it then let him, I'm sure you can find something else to play with"

J-"But I wanna p'ay wif da toy 'Ongie got"

W-"Joongie if Jongie is still playing with it then it's his turn until he is finished, but you do not try to snatch it off him"

J-"Bu' Mamaaaa 'cries' I wan it"

Woo could see how tired Joongie was so he went to pick Joongie up from the play mat.

W-"I think it's time for someone's nap time isn't it?"



J-"Nwo, nwo nap"

W-"Yess, come on bubba, Jongie would you like a nap as well?"

Jh-"I big boy"

W-"Come on petal, why don't you join bubba for a nap"


Jongie grabbed a hold of Wooyoung's hand and they went upstairs and into the bathroom, Wooyoung then went into the littles rooms to grab some pyjamas and diapers for nap time, then headed back to the bathroom where the two littles were.

Woo started on Joongie first, he undressed him and changed his dirty diaper for a clean one, then put him in a snap-crotch onesie and gave him his minion pacifier attaching a pacifier clip on to it, after changing Joongie he then moved onto Jongie, he undressed Jongie and removed Jongie's damp pull-up and placed him into a diaper and a bear onesie, he gave him a paci and a paci clip as well.

"Now, would you two little monkeys like to nap in your own beds or together?"


J-" (mumbles) 'Ogether"

W-"ok, lets go to mummy's room then shall we"

Woo placed Joongie on to his hip and grabbed Jongie's hand and led them to his room, he first placed Joongie down on to the bed next to the wall, and then allowed Jongie to climb in afterward and tucked them in, he went to grab an attachable bed guard and attached it to his bed, he then closed the curtains and put the night light on and turned the big light off and left the room so they could nap peacefully.

(Two hours later)

Joongie woke up crying and as soon as Woo heard, he immediately went up to see Joongie awake and Jongie still sleeping, he went and picked up Joongie and gently shook Jongie awake, he took them both to the bathroom and first changed Jongie's diaper to a pull up, then changed Joongie into a fresh diaper, he threw away both soiled diapers then took the littles downstairs and turned on the tv for them, whilst he got a head start on dinner.

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