Chapter 17

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Joongie:0-1 1/2

Third person PoV:

For their second week of their month off the group decided to go to Jeju Island for a nice break.

During their stay in Jeju the littles were small for the entire week whilst they stayed in Jeju.

Day 1:

They were staying in a hotel in Jeju and their plans for the day was to go to Udo, but first the littles needed to wale up.

Yunho woke up Joongie, he dressed him into a fresh diaper, t-shirt, shorts, socks and shoes, he helped Joongie with his morning routine before getting San ready into a pull-up, t-shirt, shorts, socks and shoes, as well as helping him with his morning routine, then heading to the restaurant where Mingi already was, for breakfast.

Jongho woke up Sangie and Woo, he first helped them with their morning facial routine, then he first got Sangie dressed into a fresh diaper, snap-crotch onesie, shorts, socks and shoes, then helped Woo into a pull-up, snap-crotch onesie, shorts, socks and shoes, then went to wale up Seonghwa before heading to the restaurant to meet with the other 4.

Seonghwa got himself ready and met the others at the restaurant and started eating their breakfast.

After breakfast they were finally ready to head to Udo, which would be a day trip.

They arrived in Udo and started to explore it, before they realised it, it was time for lunch, so they found a restaurant and started to eat lunch.

It was starting to get late so they went back to Jeju and to their hotel. They decided to order room service as it was late and the restaurant was packed.

Once food came they started digging in to their food. After eating, the caregivers helped the littles get ready for bed, Mingi helped Joongie and San get ready for bed by diapering them and dressing them in onesies, Seonghwa helped Woo and Sangie into diapers and onesies as well, the caregivers then got themselves ready for bed and soon went to join the littles in sleep.

Day 2:

For day 2 they decided to go to Seongeup Folk Village for a nice outing.

They followed the same routine as the day before, but this time Seinghwa didn't need to get woken up by another member.

They decided not to rush in the morning as they were planning to leave at lunchtime, so this gave the members the chance to play with the littles before leaving.

The taxi picked them up at 12 and took them to the Village, they got out of the taxi and started to wander around the village, taking in its history, they also decided to eat dinner there as well. The taxi picked them up at 18:30 and took them back to the hotel.

The caregivers gave the littles a bath when they arrived back at the hotel, they then allowed the littles to play whilst they got showers.

They got the littles ready for bed, then got themselves ready for bed, they watched some tv before drifting off to sleep.

Day 3:

For their 3rd day they went to Manangul cave.

The group was scheduled to leave the hotel at 10:00 in the morning, so they had to go to get up a little earlier and eat breakfast, as well as wear appropriate gear for cave exploring.

They got to the caves and Sangie and Joongie had to be held whilst San and Woo had to hold a caregivers hand so that they didn't run off. The caregivers did think about getting them harnesses but ultimately decided against it.

It was like a hime going around the cave, but ultimately it was fun and they got a good amount of exercise l, they did stop for food halfway through.

After a long day of exploring the cave, they went back to the hotel and on the journey back to the hotel they had a nap. When they got to the hotel they ate dinner at the restaurant, then went to the spa for a little bit before heading back to their room and getting dressed into their pjs before turning in for the night.

Day 4:

The group decided that for day 4 they could go to Cheonjiyeon falls.

They woke up and did the same routine they have done for the past 3 days in a row, two of the caregivers went to the shop near the hotel and got some food for the falls.

They got ready to leave the hotel, they rented a car to get them there, then when they arrived they unpacked the car and got ready to walk around, Joongie and Sangie were placed into strollers as they were unable to walk for a long period of time.

They made sure to stop and eat food, they took pictures of the scenery whilst they were walking around. Sangie and Joongie ended up having a nap whilst they were walking around, so the caregivers decided it was time to get back to the hotel.

When they got back to the hotel, they just relaxed for the rest of the evening, they ate room service for dinner and did their nighttime routine.

Day 5:

For their final day in Jeju they decided to go to Dongmun market.

They were in no rush to get there, they planned on going in the afternoon and have dinner there as well, so everyone just slept to their hearts desire.

They did get up to have brunch, they then went to the hotel swimming pool and did some swimming in the pool for a couple of hours before getting changed into some clothes then heading to the market.

They wandered around the market, buying a few things from the stalls, after doing that for a couple of hours, they went to find a restaurant to eat dinner.

After dinner they went back to the hotel to pack as they were heading back to Seoul the next day, they made sure to leave clothes out for the next day, they all got ready for bed and turned in for an early night.


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