Set to Rights

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Harry woke up to the door opening, blinking the sleepiness away as he climbed out of the car. He never got to ride up front before and was a little sad he'd missed it, but the car only had two seats so he might get to do it again, right? Though any thoughts and sleep went right out of his mind when he looked at the house they'd parked at, and his very wide eyes quickly turned to the neighbours' homes as well, taking in all the sizes and colours. Every house seemed to have a different colour, and they were all so big and tall, at least two times as big as Aunt Petunia's! Mr Wright's had white and blue coloured wood and big, strange windows that seemed to come all the way out of the house instead of just being on the wall.

"Come on, let's go in" Mr Wright's call snapped Harry out of it and he hugged his things a little closer, walking behind the man.

He almost couldn't believe Mr Wright had taken him away from the Dursleys, and not even to an orphanage! Instead, he was walking into a big, bright house, not even knowing what he had to do. He stopped in surprise at the big living room, with lots of white on the floor and the walls, and blue couches spread around a big fireplace. Mr Wright really liked blue, he thought while looking around. When he looked at Mr Wright again, he was already halfway up the stairs and Harry hurried to catch up, careful not to run but walking quick.

There were a lot of doors upstairs, and Harry was curious about what could be inside the rooms but knew better than to ask. They stopped in front of one of the doors, the fourth one, he counted. Mr Wright opened the door, walking in, and Harry followed after him.

"You'll be staying here" Harry could only blink up at the man, confused.

It was a big room, bigger than Dudley's, with a pretty soft blue on the walls and a big bed in the middle of it with dark blue curtains around it and white sheets and fluffy-looking pillows on top. There were square windows on both sides of it, not like the ones downstairs, with the curtains open to let the sun in, and a big wooden box was put right in front of the bed, like the ones Dudley kept some toys inside. There was also a wardrobe in front of the wall on the left and on the right one was a desk with a chair, and a dresser too, closer to the door they came in through. There were even some bookshelves on the wall in front of the bed, with some books on them but not even close to full. It was such a pretty room, Harry thought, maybe Mr Wright went the wrong way?

"It's a room," he said, a little sad that Mr Wright would remember who he was and correct himself now.

"Yes, your room" Mr Wright insisted, making Harry a little upset.

"Freaks don't get rooms," he told the man, not sure how he didn't know this already.

Harry looked up, watching as Mr Wright seemed to realize something, and waited for the directions to the cupboard, or the attic, Aunt Petunia sometimes told him she'd make him sleep in the attic if he made too much noise. Instead of talking, Mr Wright walked out of the room. Harry fixed his hold on the bundled-up sheet in his arms and followed behind a moment later. They went to the other side of the corridor, two doors in, and opened it. Harry frowned at the sight of dark walls with a lot of bookshelves and a big brown desk with an armchair behind it and two in front of it. This wasn't it either, was Mr Wright okay? He almost asked, but Mr Wright had started opening drawers and Harry thought maybe he was looking for a key or something like that.

"Aha!" Mr Wright seemed to find what he was looking for, and Harry was glad he managed not to jump at the loud sound, watching the man pull a little box out of a drawer and sit down on the chair behind the desk "here, sit down, we're going to... play a game. You can put your things there" he pointed at one of the two armchairs in front of the desk.

Harry didn't like games much, at least not the ones he'd played before. Maybe Mr Wright's game doesn't hurt, he told himself and made his legs move, but didn't let go of his things when he sat down on the armchair. Mr Wright opened the box and turned it so the things inside would fall, and Harry watched a bunch of red pins, like the ones he saw on the corkboard in the school corridor, fall out of the box and spread on the table.

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