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A/N: Well, I'm officially flying by the seat of my pants with this story, anything from here on hasn't even been properly outlined or anything... no wonder I didn't think I'd make it to thirty chapters lol.


It takes Harry nearly an hour to realize his dad isn't coming to pick him up at school, and it's only because he knows he's wanted – Mr Wright adopted him! He wouldn't just forget about him! – that he doesn't panic about it, figuring he's pretty lucky this time around. The last time he got left behind at school he had to walk himself all the way back to the Dursleys since none of his teachers would listen to him, but now he can just go back to the library and ask Miss Tracy to phone Hermione's parents. He would ask for Ms Lei, but he doesn't know her number and neither does the school.

Mrs Granger insists on walking him in but gets back to her car once he's past the doorway, leaving Harry to find Mr Wright on his own. He checks the dining room, and the food is there for lunch but none of it has been eaten. Marie says hi when he finds her in the kitchen and asks what took him so long, so he tells her something made his dad busy at work and they'll eat in a bit. The office is empty and Mr Wright's bedroom door is open so he peeks inside but there's no one there either. The guest rooms are empty, and so is the library, but when he walks into the laundry room his eyes widen in surprise.

"Dad?" He calls, kneeling by Mr Wright's body where it's sprawled on the floor, "Dad! Dad!" he shakes his shoulder, feeling like he's breathing a little too fast but not getting enough air, "Wake up!" he feels his panic calm a little when his dad's eyes open and he leans over him to make sure he's awake, "What happened? Dad?"

Mr Wright frowns, looking a little confused, before muttering, " Fuck. "

Harry doesn't even chuckle at the bad word, "Are you okay?"

There's a short silence and he almost asks again, but his dad answers a moment later, "Fine, I'm just fine, perfect even, everything's great!" it sounds forced, the way his dad's smile looks, but he starts sitting up and Harry steps back so their heads won't hit each other. "Just slipped, there was uh- water. Slippery. Might have a concussion."

"What's a concussion?" He asks, though by the way Mr Wright is rubbing the back of his head he probably hit it when he fell.

His dad finally looks at him properly and his frown softens into a slight smile, "a strong hit in the head," he groans under his breath as he stands up, picking up a blue blanket off the floor and a round metal thing that was next to it, "no need to worry, it'll go away on its own. Did you need something?"

I needed you to pick me up at school, he thinks, but it doesn't leave his mouth. He just shakes his head instead.

"Alright, how bout you go- go have lunch, okay?" Mr Wright ruffles his hair as he walks past him, "I need to do something in my office for a bit, I'll eat later."

"'Kay," he mumbles, frowning in confusion as he watches his dad go up the stairs to his office.

Harry shrugs and makes his way back to the food, his tummy already complaining from the extra hour of wait.

He'll ask his dad what's wrong later.


Merlin manages to hold himself together until the door of his office closes behind him, which is when the weight of the swirling memories still slotting into place in his mind drives him to the floor once again, back sliding against the thankfully warded door and head falling back to hit it with little care for the bump caused by the previous fall.

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