In Memoriam

446 36 2

25th October 1988

Dear Narcissa,

I realize that I still owe you a reply regarding our latest subject but I have yet to find enough time in my hands to delve into the recommended titles. Instead, I am writing to inquire into a more personal matter, as I have been recently reminded that you and my ward share a familial connection. Samhain quickly approaches and as we discussed once before, I have devised a fitting schedule for the celebration with my ward but still found myself wondering about familial traditions, especially since he is sure to feel the loss of his own quite keenly given the date. As you both share a connection with the Black family, I reach out in the hope that you may still remember any traditions they may have practised during Samhain that could be beneficial for my ward to take part in.

In addition, if I may impose on your generosity, I plan to get in contact with suitable tutors and wondered if you could offer any recommendations.

Yours truly,



27th October 1988

Dear Michael,

I do hope you are not disregarding your own needs due to lack of free time, for your ward's sake as well as my desire to continue having a decent debate over the political structure of the Wizengamot. There is no rush, take the time to breathe in something other than the smell of ink and parchment.

In regards to the Black family's approach to Samhain, it has been many years since I've dwelled on it, some have fallen out of practice and in parts even been outlawed, but I remember the simplest of rituals always did bring me the most comfort, especially as a child. In any case, your ward has yet to reach the age of enough magical maturity to participate in the more elaborate ones we've previously discussed and it would be my pleasure to share some of the family's customs with our second youngest member.

The package that arrived along with my letter contains a few rosemary and mugwort candles, to place on each bedroom window and at the table by the seats put aside for those we honour on that night. They are usually lit by children once they learn the ghost flame spell, but any flame will act as a guiding light when the veil is the thinnest, and there is no need to worry about leaving them overnight as their flames will be extinguished come the first rays of light.

Another common custom during Samhain is to...


26th October 1988

Dear Mrs Tonks,

I'm aware that we parted ways on unfriendly terms and, while I have no regrets for standing up for my ward, I would hope to establish more amicable relations with those related to him, as a family by blood can be just as important as the family one chooses.

I have mailed your sister with a request for examples of the Black family's Samhain traditions which I would like to slowly introduce to my ward's life, as well as a request for any possible recommendations regarding appropriate tutors, and figured you should be extended the same courtesy.

I await a response, be it to request that I cease correspondence or elaborate on my requests.

Yours truly,

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