Pen Pals and Prospects

198 14 3

A/N: Here you go, another one! I'm kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop lol why is my muse still around? Unprecedented.


November 20th, 1988

Their change in meeting location - convening at the Wright household for the first time - had probably been what tipped off the Changs to the fact that the invitation for lunch wasn't quite as simple as it would seem, or so Michael thinks once they've abandoned the dining room - which was finally seeing some use - and reconvened in the library without Harry or Cho so much as trying to sneak off to play in his room. Instead, they're comfortably settled into the couches in the centre of the room when he brings up the subject.

"I actually wanted to ask something," He starts, not entirely sure how to go about it. With Tonks, it had been a necessity, something he needed to keep Harry safe. Now it's less of an emergency and more of a choice, a safety net he could definitely use and would prefer if his friend - because they are friends now, he'd realised recently - was the one holding it.

Chris smiles slightly, a knowing tilt to it, "We figured."

"Subtle you are not ," Chang teases with a motion of her hand for him to hurry it up, "out with it, then."

"Right. I realise that this might be an unwanted responsibility, so I'll understand if you refuse," he prefaces with assurance, "what I'm getting at is... I want you to be Harry's magical guardian, Chang. Since this would technically affect your whole family, well..." he glances pointedly at the other two people on the couch with her.

Chris and Chang trade a long look before she speaks, her tone hardly changing. "Well, I'm already responsible for two children, one more should be fine."

"Two?" Michael frowns, only realising the implication when Chris chuckles and Chang brings her hand up to hide a smile, "You- I am not a kid," he rolls his eyes in exasperation, "but I'll take that as a yes."

"So is Harry my little brother now?" Cho butts in, looking at her mom.

"That's not how-" Chang starts, but Chris elbows her lightly on the side and interrupts.

"Sure, why not? If he doesn't mind," He tells her with a grin and Michael realizes that out of the two, Chang is definitely the only one immune to the kid's puppy eyes.

"Ha, now you have to do what I say!" Cho stands and turns on Harry with a grin, clearly ignoring the second part of the answer. "Come on, show me your room."

Harry only frowns slightly as he stands, "but I already do?" he mumbles, making the adults' laughter follow them out of the room as they leave.

Once the laughter dies down, Michael sends the couple a grateful look, "Thank you, Chang. Really. I feel better knowing that if I somehow can't be there to advocate for him, there's someone I trust to take care of it."

"Thank you for trusting me," Chang nods in response, "and I feel like it's about time you call me by my first name, isn't it?"

Michael smiles sheepishly, having grown too used to calling her by her last name in court over the years, "That might take some time to get used to."


1st November 1988

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