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Maybe I didn't act too nice with my mother. Or maybe I never act nice. But there was a reason. Part of me hated that she knew I was probably being killed in therapy but she still let me stay there.

She didn't divorce my father, even after she knew he's the reason I overdosed. She always put my father before me. And Mateo. But she was still my mother.

And today? It felt like my heart was going to drop. I knew something was wrong so I asked Mateo to ask my father to bring her to the hospital. And today was that day.

I knew I was going to walk out of this building with bad news. She had been forgetting a lot of shit for the past few days, mentioning my grandparents. And shit that hit quite hard.

"Elias? What are you doing here?"

I blink. "I live here? This is my room?"

"Tesoro, you're supposed to be in rehab! Did you run away? Your father will be furious."

"Ma, that was years ago, stop doing this shit with me. Please." I mutter.

"Elias, you need to get better. I know its hard. You've grown so much too, but you need to go back. It's the only way you'll be fine again."

"But I am fine."

"Nonsense, you're addicted to drugs. That's not fine."

I was waiting outside the room, sitting down with my leg shaking. Mateo was sitting next to me, scrolling through his phone. He obviously thought I was stupid and thinks this is stupid.

I thought she was just getting older but this isn't the 'i forgot where my glasses are', its the type where she thinks I'm still in rehab.

The second that door opens, I sit up immediately, and by the looks of my father's face, I could tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Go see for yourself." Dad mumbles. I head inside the room and look at the doctor. "Whats wrong with her?"

"And who are you?"

"Her son, what the hell is wrong with her?" I ask, looking at mom who's sitting  and crying.

"Ma, cosa c'è che non va? smettila di piangere, dimmi cosa c'è che non va."

Mom, what's wrong? Stop crying, tell me what's wrong.

"She was diagnosed with dementia and its severe."

I felt like i just had all my organs pulled out of my body. It felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I couldn't even comprehend what the absolute hell was happening.

My mother was diagnosed with dementia.

"The only thing we can do is give her pills and medicines but thats all. It'll get worse, but the medication will make it take longer to worsen."

"There's 3 stages of dementia. Right now,   she's on the middle stage dementia. The second stage."

"Im very sorry."

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