Chapter 5

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A/N: I missed 100 but AHHHHHHHHHHHHH we're at 150 reads now. Thankyou so much!!
(I don't know what this chapter is but I'm running out of ideas so please bear with me 😀)

"Ready? 3, 2, 1 and .... GO!"

'Another arm wrestling match?'

Zoro found himself watching the ongoing competition happening before him.

Her revelation about her uncle being an Admiral had not gone forgotten by him. In fact, he had started wondering why she was even there in the first place.

If she was the niece of such a person, why was she here in this small prison? She definitely could get stronger with experience and training. Or was it just an Uncle's pampering that led her there, leaving her to be slightly more sheltered?

The prisoner's poor attempt at taunting her to give himself a win brought him back to the match he had zoned out of.

"Hey, if I win this, can I grope your ass?"

"Not happening, buddy," she grunted, "because I'M," another grunt, "WINNING THIS ONE!!!"

With that, his hand fell slam on the table and she acclaimed yet another victory.

"Ha Ha! Looks like you're not getting that extra lunch coupon, Goule," she jeered, holding out the extra coupons with her fingers.

'Oh. So they're doing so they get to eat a little more?'

Zoro watched her calling out the usual challengers but they declined saying they were too tired owing to the heat.

Her eyes fell on him.

Crap. Look away. Act disinterested. You're too tired for this.


"Fricking hell."

"Come on! Just one match. You get an extra lunch coupon if you win!!"

"Don't need it."

"Aw come on... Just one! Your break is almost over anyway."

A prisoner next to him slapped his back, heartily laughing, pushing him forward.


"Go for it, Roronoa. Give us a show."

Begrudgingly, he sat at the opposite side of the table and clasped his hand around hers, finding her grip to be surprisingly strong.

She seemed to be having fun. Her eyes gleamed with glee as she tried to force his hand down on the table.

"Why are you in this prison?"
The question slipped out before he could reason against his better sense.


"If your uncle is an admirable, shouldn't you be in a better position?"

A sly smile etched itself on her lips.

"Careful, Roronoa. Or I might think you're interested."

He scoffed.

Finding his grip to have involuntarily relaxed, she pushed hard against his hand but he recovered just as quickly and retaliated.

Cheers went around them as the other prisoners found themselves enjoying the show. Some excited to see the newbie struggle at the hand of their "assistant, assistant warden", and some hoping she'd receive her first loss.

"Go!! Marine-chan!"

"Yeahh!!! Roronoa, get her!"

"I hate that nickname," he heard her mutter as her eyes never left their clasped hands.

"Why are you even here?" He heard himself saying again.

His eyes bore into hers while she applied all of her strength for the last blow.

Inches away from the table, Zoro felt his hand trembling with the pressure she was applying on it. And just when he thought she was going to best him,


"Aw shucks," she let go of his hand. "Why'd it have to ring now?


She turned to Roronoa and finally answered him, "I like it better here."

That answer is way too simple...

He stood up to join the line but before he went out of ears reach, she called out again.

"Oh, and if you must know, he did offer me a bigger position," she grinned.

"I'm his favourite."

Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now