Chapter 22

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A/N: We crossed 1K reads!! Thankyou everyone! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

"Part-time job, part-time job, part-time job- oh? Fortune telling and witchcraft shop in need of assistance?

It's perfect. A weird mask wouldn't matter so much in such a job. Maybe I should go in and-"

"Hey there, you a traveller? You look new to this place." Some men came by her side with smirks.

"Fortune telling?" Another piped up. "You wanna get your fortune read? That's laaame... Come with us, we'll take you to a good place for fun."

The rest chuckled among themselves.

Her jaw clenched. Typical Sabaody behaviour, trying to mug a "newbie".

Muttering an "I'm good," she made a move to leave but they were suddenly around her, blocking her exit.

"Come on man, we just want to show you a good time."

"Yeah? You want a good time?" She was starting to get annoyed. "I'll show you one."

Making a fist, she pulled her arm back,  and delivered a hard punch to the man in front of her.


Knocking into his friends standing behind him, they fell in a heap and then decided it best to run away.


She heard a whistle by the side.

"That was amazing! You're pretty strong huh?"

She turned to the voice and froze when she peeked out from under her hood and saw the boy with the straw hat in front of her.

His name left her mouth before she could register it.

"Strawhat Luffy-"

It was more of a whisper but he heard it.

"Heh? Do I know you?'

She quickly looked down. "Ah no, you don't. Sorry, I'll take my leave now."

She turned to leave and started walking even though she heard him say, " Eh? Wait. Wait a sec-"

She started walking faster.

After all that talk about being a marine, (referring to when Luffy asked her to join his crew) she was not going to face him. It was too embarrassing!! Yes. It had already 2 years..? But even so, it was still a blow to her pride.

She heard his footsteps behind her.

"Why are you following me?"

"Dunno," he shrugged. "Gut instinct?"

Her steps quickened. So did his.

She started sprinting.

So did he.







They must have gone around in circles over and over. They finally came to a stop, both gasping for air.

"Leave," pant "me," pant "alone." She had her hands on her knees.

He was in similar condition. "Who are," pant "you?"

She took off again but this time he didn't. Instead, he-

"Gomu gomu no-"

"Ah shit. I forgot he can do that." She tried running faster but she was too exhausted. Waiting for a rubbery arm to wrap around her, she was surprised when his hand reached for her hood instead. In an instant, he had taken it off.


His face broke out in realisation. "AH! You! You're that.. Marine lady!!" He let out a hearty laugh. "No wonder you felt familiar. Shishishishi.."

She sat down on the grass and looked away. "Don't- don't call me that.."

He tilted his head in confusion.

She sighed, "That name is irrelevant. I- I quit. I left."

A knowing grin came upon his visage. "Ah. I see.."

He readjusted his hat. "Then," he tilted his head back to look at her and threw her a grin.

"Do you want to join my crew?"

Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now