Chapter 23

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Zoro didn't know what he was doing.

What was he even thinking? That he'd randomly run into her in the streets? Even if he did, then what?

What would be said? What would be done?

What if she was no longer the same person?

What if she no longer remembered? That was a possibility.

It was not like they had spent so much time together enough to to carry each other's memories so close for the past 2 years.

In all honesty, he might have forgotten what she looked like. It was all a blur in his head.

But that blur had stopped outside his cell countless times to disturb his peace; that blur had arm wrestled against him; that blur had poured him sake; that blur had frozen when he escaped.

This was dumb. That blur was merely just an intriguing person he had stumbled upon when he was taken to prison.

But with her name resurfacing, maybe he had thought he'd be able to solve the enigma that was her this time.

Hah. This is so stupid.

He headed back to the ship.


"Do you want to join my crew?"

Time seemed to have stopped at that moment. Her surroundings blurred and her focus was solely on what this ridiculous man in the strawhat was saying. The wind caressed her face softly and she knew for sure, if it could, flower petals would have filled up the atmosphere.

Her lips parted to give an answer.


.    .    .

"Hahhh?? Whyyyy?"

" I can't.." she avoided his gaze.

Cue the whining.

"What gives? You're no longer in the Marines so I can ask you this time, can't I? Why won't you join my awweeesooomme crew??"

"It doesn't make any sense! It's stupid! It's reckless!" She was now standing and matching his gaze, her voice getting louder.

"You're the one not making sense!"

"You don't understand! I'll be more trouble than you can imagine!"

"That doesn't matter!"

"Yes, it does!!"

"No, it won't!"

They "glared" at each other before she started again. "Don't you see?? My Uncle is an Admiral! If he finds out that I've become a part of your crew, he'll send people after you. You'll be in constant danger!"

"So what? We're pirates! That stuff happens all the time!!" He shouted back.

"But they- they're stron-"

"At this point why do you even care about other people? What is it that you want?!"

Her defenses were breaking down. "Why are you so stubborn? You don't even know me."

"I don't care. I've already decided you're going to be a part of my crew."

He's so stupid...

(Not this turning into a luffy fanfic-)

"What about your crew? Don't you have to discuss this with them?" One last resort.

"I'm the Captain. I can do what I want!" He crossed his arms for emphasis. "I know Zoro wouldn't mind anyway, you helped him," he shrugged carelessly.

Her breath hitched. Right. There was another dumbass she was hesitant to see. She didn't know what to feel at the thought of seeing him again.

It'll be alright, right?

Her gaze softened.  Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try.

Gathering up the air in her lungs, she eventually broke into a smile and let out the words,

"Fine.. I will. I'll join your awesome crew."

Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now