Chapter 13

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She found herself slowly waking up after resting her eyes, only to come face to face with the view of an under-crotch covered in blue shorts.

"Eugh!!" She raised her arm over her eyes.

The shout alerted the guy standing above her. He looked down at her, kindly stepped away too.

"Ah! Marine lady, do you know Zoro?"

Why hadn't she noticed the straw hat?

Sighing, she got up. "You're late. He's probably already halfway ou- WHAATTT!? How are you still here!?"

Her index finger pointing rudely to the moss head, her face was a mixture of surprise and frustration.



She sighed. "Why don't you shout a little louder and announce the prison warden of your arrival too?"

They turned to her.

She raised her hands in surrender. "I can't bring myself to fight you again, or against your captain who is probably an even stronger monster. I'm too exhausted."

Then throwing Zoro a sharp look, she asked, "Why are you still here?"

He shrugged. "Got lost."

Luffy laughed while she fought the urge to drop unconscious again.

Pinching her brows together, she addressed him, "Take the left. It's easier to reach the exit that way; and with your captain with you, you hopefully won't get lost again."

"Why are you  doing this?"

She met his perplexed gaze.

"I checked your records," she shrugged almost carelessly. "You're not a bad pirate Roronoa. You don't deserve to get executed here."

He continued to force his gaze upon her as though to try to read her mind. Was this all a farce? What was going through her head? Why was she doing this? What was her connection with Rayleigh? Who was she really?

There were just too many questions and zero answers.

He opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. She was not his mystery to solve just yet, and it was not his question to ask. The only thing he could do was leave it to fate an-

"Hey, Marine lady. Let's leave together. Become a part of my crew," Luffy spoke up.

"WHAT!?" Two voices echoed against each other.

"You don't seem like a bad person," Luffy justified. "And you helped Zoro didn't you? Join my crew."

A shadow fell over her face.

First it was Zoro with his mind evoking questions and now his captain?

"I can't," she whispered, more to herself than to the two of them.

"Come ooonn, it'll be fun," Luffy gleamed.

Seething, she looked up and shot them a glare. "How dare you ask a Marine to join your pirate crew?" She felt herself trembling. "I'll give you 5 minutes. And then I'm calling the others."

Luffy's smile fell. "Ehh but-"

"Let's go," Zoro placed a hand on his captain's shoulder and steered him away to leave.



"Ah, Admiral. What are you doing here?" The prison warden forced a smile at the unannounced visitor.

"Hmm? Can I not come to visit my niece?"

"Ah yes, your niece. Of course not, I did not mean to say you were not allowed here. Heh heh," he sweated nervously.

He turned to the assistant warden. "Inform the others," he whispered hurriedly. "Announce the admiral's arrival so they can be prepared."

Soon enough, an announcement blew up the speakers -


Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now