Avneet : I have to go, I will inform you if I get chance. Best of luck Siddharth.

Siddharth is crying and everyone is trying to calm him down.


In Supreme Court,

This video reach to the Personal assistant of Vibha aunty and he forward this information to Vibha aunty.

His mother watched the video and his PA informed them that this video is going viral as everyone recognize him that he is your son.

His mother is feeling so ashamed and embarrassing in the courtroom today.

But somehow managed the day with smile when fuming in anger.

But at early evening,

Vibha aunty called Siddharth, with the trembling hand he picks up the call.

Aunty didn't said any hii, hello.

His mom : I will reach home in 15 minutes, so be there at home before me. (In angry tone giving him warning)

Siddharth : okay mom.

His mom : 15 minutes means 15 minutes.

His mom disconnected the call.

Siddharth sits in the car, everyone wish him luck but he knows now any wish and any prayer won't save him.

Meanwhile at Avneet's home from morning,

When she return back to home, as soon she entered her mother slapped her so tightly for this shamelessness.

Then her father asked him who is he? But uncle get to know through media coverage on this video that he is Siddharth nigam son of the most reputed advocate of country.

Her mom : you made us feel ashamed Avneet!!

Her dad : I never expected this from you, I always gave you all the freedom in life and you showed me this day in life, great, thanks my daughter. (Feeling so bad)

Avneet : I am sorry dad. (Crying)

Her mom snatch her phone and laptop from her and lock her in her room.

Her dad didn't support her this time.

Avneet kept crying all day today.

Stay tuned.

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