19 | Temptation

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A/N: I'm updating  just little early to make up for the fact that I won't be updating next week, sorry guys but I'll see y'all on the 4th of July <3 (aka next update)

"Okay, explain it to me one more time." Ricky said, looking at me as if I had suddenly grown two heads. I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Since my mate refuses to acknowledge me, I've come up with the amazing plan to gain his attention through his wolf."

"By purposefully covering yourself in another person's scent?" He questioned, looking at me with an unsure expression when I hummed in agreement. "Oh my god, you're gonna die." He finally grumbled after moments of silence, flopping back against the my couch.

"I'm not gonna die." I said, rolling my eyes at his dramatics. "I could never die after hearing how much you love me, what kind of friend would I be if I did that?" I teased, earning a hard punch in the shoulder.

"I'm really starting to wish I had better control of my emotions." He complained, cringing as he remembered our conversation from earlier. "I think it's cute, I haven't seen you cry since we were children." I joked as he flipped me off "Shut up." He grumbled.

I laughed at his sour expression, hooked my arm around his neck as I tried to pull him closer before eventually settling on just moving myself, "Stop being such a worry wart, his wolf would never hurt me."

He stayed slouched before letting out I sigh, "I know, I'm more worried about the poor kid you're gonna be using." He said causing me to pause, he turned to me with squinted eyes as I tensed up. "Did you seriously not think about how this would affect the other person?" He questioned in disbelief as I guiltily avoided his gaze.

"I'll figure it out." I mumbled out in reply, removing my arm from around him. "Your mate is an alpha, you can't just wait to 'figure it out'" he argued, using quotation marks as he repeated what I said.

"Obviously I know that." I replied "You don't think he'd actually kill someone just because I smelled like them right?" I questioned nervously.

"Of course he would! He. An. Alpha." He repeated, putting emphasis on each word "Okay okay, I get it." I said, plugging my ears with my pointer fingers as he shouted.

He deadpanned at my reaction and I let out an awkward laugh as I slowly removed my fingers, immediately putting them back as I noticed him opening his mouth to say more. He rolled his eyes before forcing my hands away from my ears, "Why am I here?" He questioned.

I furrowed my brows at his question before remembering that I had asked him to come over for a specific reason, and it wasn't to tell him my plan, "Help me pick an outfit."

"An outfit?" He repeated. "Yeah, one that screams 'I'm hot and ready', like this." I picked up one of savannah's crop tops laughing as Ricky raised a brow at my example.

"How about one that screams 'My mate is a douche and deserves the death penalty from the council' instead?" He suggested, holding up a large ripped up black t-shirt. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the shirt and threw it to the side.

"I'm not going to paint him as some abuser." I said, turning around to look through the many boxes I still had filled with clothes "Saying that wouldn't be too far off from the truth." He mumbled as he too got up from the couch and came up behind me.

"What'd you say?" I questioned, turning with a button up navy blue shirt in my hand "I said that looks absolutely horrid." I sighed as I placed the shirt back in the box "I knoww." I whined, frustrated at how hard finding a seductive outfit was starting to seem.

"How about.." I watched curiously as Ricky pulled a shirt out from one of my other boxes "You go for a more subtle form of seduction?" He asked, putting the shirt flat against me. I grinned as I looked down at the shirt, "Perfect right?"  He questioned with a grin that meant he already knew my answer.

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