26 | Morning Small Talk

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A/N | In order to encourage myself to write faster I'm changing my update schedule to everyday that starts with a T (aka just adding Thursday to the schedule), lol you're welcome <3

"..I trust you." A large smile immediately made its way across his face at my reply, he seemed genuinely happy and that admittedly helped me let go a little, a small smile making its way across my face at his reaction. He looked even more attractive when he smiled, keeping an expression like that away from your mate for so long should be a crime.

I heard Leon let out a small laugh at my thoughts, not disagreeing as I silently watched our mate stand to his feet, reaching his hand out towards my still seated figure. I raised a brow, looking from his hand then back to his face. "I still need to take you to school, don't I?" He explained, an amused smirk on his face.

"I guess so.." I replied, warily slipping my hand into his. I was caught off guard when he suddenly pulled me up by our intertwined hands, causing me to fall flat against his chest. "How's this ever supposed to work if you act so hesitant around me." He questioned, looking down at me with a knowing grin.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed myself off him, "You were the biggest asshole I'd ever met less than 24 hours ago, it's gonna take more than a few cute words to get me to trust you." He hummed at my reply, his face taking on a look of feigned confusion.

"But.. you just said you trusted me?" He grinned, playfully raising a brow in a questioning manner as he waited for my response. "I.. I was being peer pressured." I replied, mocking his grin as he stepped closer.

"Then.. you don't want to make this work?" He questioned, his stupid grin never leaving as he stepped impossibly closer. I could feel his breath by this point and the fruity smell was making me wonder if it'd taste just as sweet.

I let out a long hum as I kept my eyes latched onto his, "I do." I answered after moments of silence. "Do you trust me then?" He questioned, his fingers making their way to my chin as he lifted my face to his.

His lips hovered over mine as he waited for my response, the ghostly feeling of his lips above mine was driving me crazy, it's like even though they weren't there I could still feel them, "I'll try." I whispered, watching as he grinned before taking my lips into a sweet kiss.

It was so light I almost didn't feel it but the tingles were there, and so was the heat. Oh goddess the heat, it was amazing, it both burned and completely ignited my insides with a feeling I had never felt before; How could one small kiss have me feeling this way?

The question played on repeat in my head, but as he leaned away with a small smile. The tips of his fingers never leaving my chin as he kept his eyes locked with mine, he unknowingly answered my silent question. The reason I feel this way is because it's was him, because he's my mate as I am his.

I awkwardly cleared my throat as I looked away to the side, "I.. still need to go to school." I mumbled out, my face heating as he laughed at my obvious embarrassment. "Then let's get you to school." He replied in the same whisper tone as I did, clearly teasing me as he held onto the same amused grin.

I watched silently as he once again intertwined our hands, a small smile making its way across my face as he slowly dragged me out the room and down the stairs. "You want anything to eat?" He asked, turning back to look at me once we reached the first floor.

I looked around the semi-empty room, the food smelled absolutely amazing but I don't think I'd be able to keep anything down with how nervous I am right now; Plus I have a feeling I'm late for school, "I'm good." I answered simply, looking away from the mouth watering dishes.

"Alright." He replied, grabbing an apple from the table and handing it to me "You still need some type of energy." He said when I gave him a questioning look, I gave a small nod before biting into the green fruit. "Good?" He questioned as I continued biting into and eating it.

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