30 | Lies

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I ran out the restroom, quickly wrapping a towel around my shivering body, "Was zum Teufel ist mit dir und kalten Duschen los?! (What the hell is with you and cold showers?!)" I grumbled, patting my cold skin dry with the soft towel.

'I don't like cold showers either, I just needed you to get out your thoughts.' I took a sharp breath at his words, feeling guilty at the amount of uneasiness in them. Ever since Ade had me go up first I couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong, it was all I could think about in the shower; Well that was until Leon forcibly took control and put the shower on cold before quickly giving it back.

I wanted to be angry but I could tell my thoughts were worrying him, especially since they had to do with our mate who just recently started to accept us, 'I'm sorry, I know I said I'd try not to question him anymore but something was definitely up with him just now.' I could feel it through our bond, which had grown stronger since being accepted.

Leon let out quiet incoherent grumbles, not completely agreeing or disagreeing as I let out a huff at his silence. I quickly dried off and started to get ready for breakfast, deciding to just drop the conversation for now. I grabbed my overnight duffel bag off the ground, rummaging through the contents for a random outfit.

Even though I've spent most nights this week at the pack house I still haven't moved in, I just didn't feel comfortable completely leaving my Oma by herself, even if Savannah stays with her I would still rather live with her. 'This is exactly why I said to ask Ade for permission to officially move us and Oma into his pack; We wouldn't have to worry about her and even more importantly we'd have the protection we need-' I cut off his rant with a sigh.

'I don't want to talk about this again.' I said, finally pulling out a pair of black shorts and a navy blue t-shirt. I quickly slipped on the outfit, giving myself a quick once over in the mirror before leaving the room.

As I hit the next floor a voice sounded right by my ear, "Morning." They greeted, making me jump at the sudden sound of it. The voice let out a small chuckle and I turned, coming face to face with an amused Bella, "You scare easily."

I rolled my eyes at the sight of the small grin making its way on her face, "No I don't." I argued, turning back around and continuing my descent down the stairs, "You just for some reason don't make any sounds when you walk." I defended, slowing down as I heard her walking up behind me.

"Sure." She mused, catching up and walking beside me down the stairs. I grumbled under my breath as we rounded the corner and entered the fourth floor, I spotted Ade in the hallway whispering something to Zane.

They looked like they were arguing and when Zane suddenly looked our way I had the instinct to hide and so I did, I hid behind the wall by the stairs, "What's going on?" Bella questioned.

'Yeah what's going on? Why are you trying to eavesdrop on our mates' conversation?' Leon budded in with a growl that I ignored as I tried to focus on whatever Ade and Zane were whispering about in the middle of the hallway.

"Oh.. are we eavesdropping?" Bella questioned, leaning closer so that she could also hear though she probably wouldn't be able to; They were talking way too low, I don't even think a regular wolf would've been able to hear them.

A bad feeling started to bubble up in my chest as I focused on their voices, something kept telling me to leave. That I won't want to hear what they're talking about. That my dreams are about to be trampled and thrown in the trash.

But as I heard the first snippet of their conversation I couldn't bring myself to leave, "Stefan, is your mate." I heard Zane growl. "Well not by choice!" My eyes widened at Ades' words, peeking around the corner just to be sure that it really was him saying that.

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