47 | Training

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Ricardo let out a deep breath, grumbling under his breath as he picked the small rocks from the pads of his paws. 'Five minutes.' Micheal, his wolf, reminded.

'I know.' Ricky sighed, closing his eyes as he took in the chilly breeze. 'They'll be here soon.' The wolf barked urgently. 'I know.' The teen repeated, his eyes peeking open just enough to watch as the multi-colored leaves fell from their branches.

They both went quiet, the only sound surrounding them was the whistling of the wind and the rustling of dead leaves landing in their own personal graves amongst the rest of their fallen comrades.

'Two minutes...' Micheal taunted, one of their ears twitching at the sound of a twig snapping a few meters away from where they were resting. His head turned in the direction of the sound, all senses focusing on the perceived threat.

Another snap was heard before Ricky bolted in the opposite direction, trees blurring together as he ran through the woods in the form of his large brown colored wolf. He was nearing the borders and sooner or later he'd be forced to change directions.

The time came sooner rather than later and as he thought, he was forced to change routes, letting out a wolfish huff as he took a sharp turn to the right. He followed the very edge of the Sëenige pack borders before deciding to move away in an attempt to not be caught.

He ran for hours, his body growing tired despite having the same large amount of supernatural stamina all werewolves were born with. For a split second the thought of stopping to rest popped into his head, but the sound of crunching leaves forced him to keep going.

He sped up as much as his tired body would allow, his breath visibly coming out his snout as he exhaled the chilly afternoon air. Moments later he was skidding to a halt as the view of a river came into his line of sight, quickly turning to the side in an attempt to flee in a different direction.

His escape was stopped by the sight of a familiar wolf appearing behind him, Ricky hunched into a defensive position as the black gradient colored wolf came to a stop in front of him, eyes watching his every move and preventing him from leaving.

Ricky's silver eyes snapped to a tree beside the large wolf, glaring as he eyed the tall dark-skinned man who stepped from behind it. "Shift." Luke ordered, placing a gentle hand on top of his mate's head, causing the warrior to sit in response.

The teen growled, taking a cautious step back as he refused the pregnant male's order. His silver eyes flickering between the two wolves, already knowing what would happen if he went through with the warriors order.

It's been a few weeks since Ricky was invited to join the Sëenige scouters, he was in a group with four other wolves all around his age or older.

All four wolves were warriors, and for the most part had trained for their position in the pack for years before they were granted the title. Scouting trips were great, relaxing even; what wasn't relaxing was training.

Everyday, after his morning scouting he trains with Abeo and Luke. He had always loved physical activities, most wolves did but the training given by the two warriors was vicious and it seemed like no matter how good he did it would never be enough.

They made it clear everyday that he was terrible, if the training were like a class, he'd have failed a hundred times by now. He was slowly losing interest and the lecture they'd give him after each session was doing everything but helping him.

He was tired,  angry, and extremely frustrated at how ridiculous the two wolves were being. He wanted to run away, back to his home where he isn't surrounded by a pack and people he didn't actually care for.

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