Is there a Traitor?!

137 3 1

Bakugou's Pov:

We made it back home and went straight to my private chambers and when I say we, I mean Kirishima, Todoroki, Sero, Mina, Kaminari, Yayarozu, and I.
Before I started explaining my plan of action I waited for everyone to settle into their seats. After a minute or two all eyes were on me and the room went quiet.

"Alright. My plan is for half of us to charge straight into the kingdom while a few of us, Me, Kirishima, and Jirou sneak into the castle through a secret passageway." I began with before watching the others nod. "Yayarozu and Sero, you two will be in charge of the army that will be on the front line. Denki and Todoroki will be in charge of the archers and those using catapults." I said while pointing out a few spots on a diagram for the castle.

"What am I supposed to do?" Mina asked while crossing her arms.

"Don't worry, I wasn't done yet. You are in charge of small group that will protect our home in case it gets invaded while we are gone. I will also need you to be ready to take care of our people who come back needing medical attention." I explained.

"Yes, that is a smart idea. Enji Todoroki might try pulling something while we are all distracted." Kirishima butted in.

"I agree and Mina is the second smartest person here so I'm going to leave protecting our home in your hands." I said to her.

"Awe, thank you Bakubae, I won't let you down." Mina replied.

"What should we start preparing and when are we going to strike?" Todoroki asked.

"For the rest of today have everyone participating in the war rest up. Tomorrow Yayarozu and Kirishima will be helping them train. Mina and Denki will go out looking for more medical herbs before it's too late. You, me, and Sero are going to head to town to get some things." I explained before there was a knock on the door.

I look over to see Jirou in the door way.

"Pardon me, dinner is ready." Jirou told us.

"Thank you, you guys go, I'm going to clean up before I head down." I told my friends.

"If you insist!" Denki said before running off, Sero following right behind them.

"Those brats." Mina said before following them.

"Do you want me to stay with you Bakugou?" Kirishima asked as I stood up.

"I don't need a babysitter, be gone." I said before walking out to the bathing quarters.

As I reached my destination I looked around. We have a bath house here that was basically like an underground hot spring which felt so nice on your skin. Thankfully we made it so there was three sections, one for men, one for woman, and the middle section was for families, just in case someone tried to have some "funny" business, I have a guard usually posted outside the doors.

I walk over into the male's side before walking over to the farthest pool of hot water before taking my cape, shorts, and underwear off, only leaving my necklace on. I put my clothes down on a the ground before slipping into the water.

I couldn't help but relax as I sunk deeper into the water. I kept slipping in until the water covered my shoulders. The water just felt so relaxing and comforting, I hadn't taken a bath in a while so it just felt even better.

I let out a simple sigh before closing my eyes as I let my head sink under the water. I just stayed there enjoying the warmth of the water. After a bit I decided to open my eyes and I saw a figure standing above me before feeling hands on my throat forcing me to stay under the water as air left my lungs.

I struggled against them, digging my nails into their arm before ripping some skin off their arm. I just watched as their blood filled the water before my vision began to blur. I felt the person's grip loosen so I took the chance to rip my necklace off before stabbing them in the side with the sharp tooth.
I hear the person screech before running off in a hurry.
As soon as they left I sat up and started coughing without any breaks, I was so close to dying right there...

End Of Chapter
Word Count: 726

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