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Third Person Pov:

In the heart of a bitter medieval battle, the earth shook with the force of a falling titan as young Kirishima plummeted from the sky, his life extinguished in an instant by a colossal spear that pierced through his armor.

Silence descended upon the battlefield like a shroud, broken only by the deafening cries of Kirishima's comrades. Bakugou, his eyes wide with horror, stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the lifeless form of his closest friend. Todoroki, unable to speak, held Bakugou close, his own heart heavy with grief and guilt because he knew it was his father that killed Kirishima.

Mina, her heart shattered and she dropped to her knees as she wailed in agony. She had witnessed, a nightmare come to life, the love of her life lying on the ground, his strong and vibrant spirit now gone forever.

Kirishima had been a beacon of hope in the midst of the chaos. His unwavering determination and infectious laughter had lifted their spirits and spurred them onward. Now, with his passing, the flame within their hearts flickered and threatened to be extinguished.

A guttural scream tore from Bakugou's throat, echoing through the desolate landscape. He stumbled forward, his legs giving way beneath the weight of his grief. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he gazed upon Kirishima's lifeless form, his emerald scales now dull and lifeless.

"Kirishima!" he cried out, his voice broken and raw. "No... please, no..."

Lord Todoroki Enji, defeated but wounded, watched in silent horror as Bakugou's despair consumed him. He had witnessed the bond between the two men, a bond that had been forged in the heat of battle and strengthened through countless hardships.

Approaching Bakugou cautiously, Todoroki laid a hand upon his shoulder. "Lord Bakugou," he began, his voice gentle, "I know this pain. I have felt it myself."

Bakugou flinched away, his eyes blazing with anger and sorrow. "You don't know what this feels like!" he spat. "Kirishima was everything to me."

"He was the last of his kind," Todoroki continued, his voice somber. "He fought bravely, and his sacrifice will be remembered."

The words only served to fuel Bakugou's rage. "And now he's gone!" he roared. "Because of me!"

Todoroki sighed, understanding the weight of Bakugou's grief but knowing there was nothing he could say to ease his pain. He simply stood by, offering his silent support.

As the sun began to set, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield, the enemy forces finally crumbled. Exhausted and defeated, they retreated, leaving behind a scene of carnage and devastation.

The knights gathered on the bloodstained ground, their victory bittersweet. They paid their respects to their fallen comrade, their hearts heavy but filled with gratitude for his sacrifice.

Silence descended upon the battlefield like a shroud, broken only by the deafening cries of Kirishima's comrades. Bakugou, his eyes wide with horror, stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the lifeless form of his closest friend. Todoroki, unable to speak, held Bakugou close, his own heart heavy with grief.

Tears streamed down Bakugou's face as he clung desperately to Kirishima's massive frame. His heart pounded with anguish, threatening to shatter into a million pieces. In his despair, a glimmer of hope flickered within his mind. He remembered a small vial he had filled with magical water from his grandmother's fountain; a renowned wise woman. Legend had it that the water inside possessed unimaginable healing properties.

With a surge of determination, Bakugou fumbled for the vial in his pocket. His trembling hands withdrew it from the pocket as hastily as he could, while his friends, Mina, Momo, Jiro, Midoriya, and Todoroki, watched with bated breath. Todoroki knelt beside Bakugou, his hand resting gently on his shoulder.

"It's no use, Bakugou," Todoroki said softly, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Even the most powerful magic cannot bring back the dead."

But Bakugou refused to give up. With trembling hands, he uncorked the vial and poured its contents over Kirishima's wounds. A moment of silence descended upon the group as they held their breaths in anticipation.

Suddenly, a faint glow emanated from the dragon. His eyes fluttered open, and a surge of life coursed through his body. Mina burst into tears of joy, her cries echoing through the shattered battlefield.

As Kirishima rose to his feet, his wounds miraculously healed, Bakugou could not contain his emotions. He wrapped his arms around the red-haired dragon in a crushing embrace. Mina joined them, and together they held Kirishima tightly, their laughter and sobs mingling in a bittersweet symphony.

"Don't ever do that again!" Bakugou cried out.

"That's supposed to be my joke." Mina light heartedly joked as Kirishima hugged them both tightly.

"I'm just glad everyone is okay." Kirishima claimed. "Plus! You won!" The red head points out after letting the two go. "Enji Todoroki is defeated! Bakugou is finally King!"

End Of Chapter:
Word Count: 794

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