Who's the Traitor?!

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Third Person Pov: 

Bakugou carefully crawled out of the bath before leaning back against the walls for the tub. He was still trying to catch his breath, his hearing and sight was all fuzzy and blurry. 
Kirishima had just finished passing out bowls and was about to sit down but before he could, he heard Bakugou basically scream his name.
Kirishima quickly ran out of the room towards the bathing quarters, leaving in the dinner hall either worried or confused about what happened. When Kirishima found Bakugou, he was still sitting on the ground.

"Bakugou?! What happened?! What's on your neck?!" Kirishima panicked when he saw the handprint that was left around Bakugou's neck. Kirishima dropped to his knees and started examining Bakugou's neck to see how bad it was.

"There's a traitor...." Bakugou managed to say but his voice was a bit scratchy because of all the coughing he'd done.

"What?" Kirishima looked Bakugou dead in the eye. "Did you say Traitor?!" Kirishima exclaimed. Bakugou just nodded.

"How bad is it?" Bakugou asked, referring to his neck of course.

"I'm no doctor but it doesn't look too bad, Mina should have some medicine that will keep it from swelling too much..." Kirishima explained. "Bakugou? If there really is a traitor, shouldn't we hold back our attack?" Kirishima suggested.

"No. We aren't holding back our attack. Whoever the traitor is, I wounded them and he still has my necklace and I want it back." Bakugou tells Kirishima.

"What if they are already on their way to warn Enji Todoroki?" Kirishima points out.

"Good point...we'll move our plan up, we attack stupid Enji Todoroki the day after tomorrow." Bakugou stated.

"What?! So soon!? That's reckless!"

"Kirishima, think about it, if we postpone anything or we wait to long he could get reinforcements from neighboring nations." Bakugou explains to his worried friend. "We'll talk more about it later. Help me get to my bed and send Mina to come check on me." Bakugou told Kirishima who nodded.
Kirishima then picked Bakugou up.

"H-Hey! I meant be my crutch!" Bakugou complained.

"I know you did, I'm still gonna carry you just to be safe." Kirishima said before walking back to Bakugou's room. Kirishima set the blond down on his couch before walking out.

Kirishima headed back to the dining hall. He couldn't but glance around to see if there was anyone missing. As walked passed a lot of people he noticed someone was missing. Kirishima took note of who was missing and would tell Bakugou later. Kirishima walked over to Mina before whispering into her ear.

"Bakugou has been hurt, he needs you to take a look..." Kirishima said which startled her.

"W-WHAT?!" She exclaimed, startling everyone.

"Shhh! Just come on." Kirishima told her.

"Is everything alright?" Todoroki asked.

"When is Bakugou gonna join us? He said he would." Kaminari said in a whiny tone.

"He won't be, Momo can you prepare a plate for Bakugou and give it to us in his chamber once you are free?" Kirishima informs them.

"Of course Kirishima-kun, leave it to me." Momo said before standing up.

Mina finally followed Kirishima back to Bakugou who was deep in thought. He was annoyed that he didn't realize there was a traitor till now. He thought it was suspicious of how Todoroki's bodyguard caught him so easily. It was obvious that there was a traitor but what if there were more...? I gotta be careful about who I trust....Bakugou thought to himself before being interrupted by a gasp.

"WHA-?! WHAT HAPPENED!?" Mina practically shrieks while rushing to Bakugou's side. She starts examining his neck, being really gentle since she didn't want to hurt him or cause anymore damage. After making a thorough examination she looked at him with crossed arms.
"You are lucky, if the grip was any tighter there would've been permanent damage. Thankfully that's not the case but I am gonna have to apply some ointment I made to get rid of the pain and to keep it from swelling. " Mina explains and Bakugou just nodded along. "Now you owe me an explanation. 

Bakugou just sighed before explaining to both of them what happened. Both Mina and Kirishima were mad, shocked, and confused at the same time.

"Oh! That reminds me! While I was walking back to Mina I noticed someone was missing from the table. This might be a misunderstanding, but Hawks wasn't anywhere to be seen."

End Of Chapter:
Word Count: 720

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