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"I HAVE ARRIVED!" Leo screams proudly as he bursts forth from the ocean without even a sliver of a warning.

"GAH!!" I wail in surprise as his sudden noise and overall presence tips me off balance.

I'd foolishly deceived myself that I'd maybe be able to see his silhouette rushing up the water to the surface. But no.

He just apparated out of the water and was suddenly just there. And loud.

My arms swing out in a desperate motion and twirl around frantically to try and keep me steady. But it was hopeless. I was already teetering forward, and falling into the murky dark waters was all but imminent.

That is, until I feel a singular finger poke against my head and my entire being was held upright from plunging into the water.

"Nice catch! Your reflexes are always terrifying." Leo said as he looked at Dion with an impressed expression.

I was currently being held upright by the very tip of Dion's right index finger.

For someone who looked very translucent and squishy, he was surprisingly...strong.

Where all of this species like that!?

I gave Leo a worried look. And as if reading my mind, he lifted his arms up and furiously shook his head.

"Oh no. I am a pure weakling. He has all the muscle in our duo." Leo quickly said. "And I have all the braincells!"

Dion pushed me back into a sitting position before responding back.

"Please, don't sell yourself short. You're plenty stronger than you think. Besides," He turned to face Leo, leaning forward to whisper. "I am in possession of all the brain and brawns."

Leo gasped incredulously at his statement. But he made no further comment in the vein of arguing as a sort of iridescent shimmer cascades over the translucent surface of his skin.

Was...was that how they blushed!?


"Oh mi gosh! Are you blushing!??? PLEASE tell me that's how you blush! It's to die for!!!" I squeal in childish wonder as I fully planted my ass onto the "porch" in front of my door and plopped my legs up to my caves into the water.

I hear a deep chuckle emanate from the side where Dion stood next to me.

"Yes, Melissandra, that is one of the many ways that we 'blush' as you call it." He answered.

Now it was my turn to have flushed flared cheeks.

But thankfully the melanin of my skin hid the full brunt of the effect from showing like a neon light.

"M-Mel is just fine," I shyly whisper as I look away, tucking back a stray strand of hair that came out of my ponytail from the swift movement.

A moment of silence transpires.

"Apologies if I offended you." I softly hear Dion say next.

My head whips back at him so fast I almost snapped my neck.

"I'M NOT OFFENDED!!" I desperately plea, trying to make him understand that my tone of voice wasn't because I was upset or anything. "I just get a little embarrassed and shy when people use my full name. It's nothing really-"

"But some people don't like to be made to feel that way, no?" Dion then asks. "To be made to feel embarrassed and shy is an upsetting feeling, is it not?"

"Uhm...well...actually yes. When you put it like that..."I concede to his point. But when I saw his face fall I frantically try to make him feel better. "B-but, I do not mind! Really!! In fact, it is one of my many kinks to be low-key humiliated in some way. I MEAN-"

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