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[Are y'all gonna play spin the bottle?]

[Now I don't want to see any shenanigans or funny business between any of ya! LEAVE SPACE FOR JESUS!!!]

"Shut the fuck up!" I slap the 'restrict comment' option and shut down the entire comments section. "No talking privileges for you!! And I better not see a hashtag of 'Mel taking away our 1st amendment rights' trending online like it did last time I turned the comments off. Or I won't stream for a week!!"

I yelled the threats point blank at the camera, wanting everyone watching to take me 100% seriously. Even despite the massive blush that overtook my entire face and head and was tinting all the melanin on the skin to a dark rosy pink.

"We could just...sleep outside, if that helps?" Leo tried to offer. "Maybe squeeze together and sleep sitting up on the steps?"

"Or lie out on the roof!" Dion says brightly, pointing a figure as if he'd come up with a triumphant idea.

I clutched the extra blankets and pillows close to my chest, but spin around on the balls of my heels to face the two men.

I walk up to each of them, handing them both a blanket and a soft pillow.

"The word you're looking for is 'lay' not 'lie'." I correct Dion gently, spelling out to him the difference and explaining what each word meant.

Dion nods enthusiastically, paying attention to my every word.

Leo on the other hand turns towards my bed and plops down on it.

I feel my skin scream like it was on me Leo had just crashed upon.

I'm not really prudish or a stickler.

I'd spent many of my teenage years sneaking out of my home to spend the night in a boy's bed.

So being with a man wasn't a problem for me.

But two!?

At the same time!?!?


I took deep breaths masked under my breath as steady slow breathings.

I feel a hand touch my arm.

Dion leans in close and whispers softly to me.

"It really is alright if you're not comfortable with this. We won't take it personally to heart."

The silver sheen of his eyes grabs hold of my heart, tightly. Without a hope of letting go.

I tilt my heart to the side and offer him the softest of smiles.

"I promise you, I'm alright." I turn around towards the bed and speak loudly so Leo can hear. "Beside, who wouldn't want to spend the night sandwiched between two hot men."

"You think we're hot?" Leo dumbfoundedly asks.

"Yes. Incredibly." I swiftly respond with a devilishly wicked grin.

I all but see steam come out of his head as he folds up his legs under himself and shuffles to one side of the bed. As quiet as a mouse.

Dion was also equally quiet, as when I looked over to him he was looking in the opposite direction and was covering his mouth sheepishly with his hands.

It was then I realized...

We were all a bunch of awkward dorks probably crushing on each other.

But hell knows I wasn't going to be the first one to say ANYTHING!

I mean, who could say for sure, really?

They could just be awkward at the fact that they were having to spend the night with an alien from another planet.

But to me, they were the aliens.

Perception is so surreal like that.

I really wanted to know what was going on in their minds. But I also didn't want to pry too deeply because we were currently streaming live to...2.5 million people!? Aphrodite!!

This livestream was a makeup stream for the makeup stream. And there was no way in hell my fans would let me get away with turning it off. They'd literally riot in the streets.

I don't know why I entertain them though. I had no real obligation to them.

But like a big sister who was exhausted from her 9-5 but still managed to take her little kid siblings to the amusement park on the weekends, I couldn't help but entertain and give them what they want.

But it wasn't like I wasn't deriving my own enjoyment from the experience.

Far from it.

I turn around and grab Dion's hand, then yank him behind me as I jump on the bed.

"DOG PILE!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"OH DEAR GREAT ONE!!" Leo yells, far too late, to stop the incoming attack as we collapsed on him.

Cries of pain and joy mingled as sheets and pillows were tossed up in the air.

The soft fabric of the covers flops around and envelops us.

But juuust through the corner of my eye. I think I catch something I shouldn't.

Leo and Dion's faces were pressed up close. Almost too close.

They share an intimate smile and a small chuckle.

And just before the sheets fully fall down and obscure my vision...

I could've sworn I saw them kiss.

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