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The rest of my 'day' went by uneventfully.

I'd managed to convince Carol to end the call and leave me the fuck alone.

Although I now worried about that decision because Carol was now free to implement her horrible idea about trying to get her wife back. Which worried me a great deal, because I wasn't sure if I would be in the right emotional state of mind to deal with her during the fallout.

I finished washing up my dirty plates and placed them on the side rack to dry as I make my way to the front of my door to sit and watch the lighting of Titan change before my very eyes.

I switch on my livestream.

"Hey guys! You wanna watch Titan's atmosphere change from night to day?" I ask my computer camera, picking up my ear device as I made it to the front door.

I had to wait a moment for people to actually log online and start responding to me.


[Yes please <3]

[If your fake camera would allow it!]

[Omg! I finally get to witness the day and night cycle change for myself IN REAL TIME.]

I smirk at the fun excited comments sprinkled in with the hateful ones.

There was no way to convince people that what I was showing them was indeed not fake. But what could I feasibly do about it?

Unless I could teleport each and every single one of the naysayers directly onto Titan, I had a better chance of convincing a sandwich to fly.

Heck, even if I did manage to teleport them here, they'd still find a way to deny it and accuse me of just hypnotizing and or drugging them into hallucinating everything.

There truly was no way to reason with crazy people hellbent on discrediting you with every fibre of their being.

It doesn't really bother or irk me too bad though, every hateful view is still very monetizable from my end.

Whether the people watching me love me or hate me, I still profit off them regardless.

Which might be a very callous thing to think, but sometimes the line between your fans and haters is very thin and can be negligibly visible.

Even the people who claim to be 'fans' have been giving me shit for not streaming as much as they would like. That I've been going offline more frequently and ending the streams rapidly and more sporadically for their own liking.

Well, excuse me for wanting a single iota of privacy!

I grab the door handle a little too forcefully, and throw my whole weight into my shoulder as I push the door open a little aggressively. It was the best way to release the growing pent-up frustration I felt.

For a lot of the people acting this way, and their numbers only seem to be growing rapidly, it came off as 'how dare I take a moment for myself when I am nothing more than a means of entertainment for them, and should always be readily available for them to consume'.

I hunch down into a squat, rolling up the pants legs of my sweats so I can dunk them (my bare legs) into the water. I foolishly remember not doing so in the company of Leo and Dion and cringe internally at the memory, accompanied by the uncomfortable chill feeling of soggy pant legs afterwards.

Now on any sort of level, I am well aware that my situation of being used as a tool merely for the entertainment of thousands is solely my own doing. No one forced me to turn on my computer and start streaming. But at what point does enjoying someone else's life peril be considered as going too far, and you demanding constant access to said person's life for your viewing pleasure so you never miss a moment be considered a problem?

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