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Sweat began to bead, pool, then cascade its way down my body.

I can't believe I did that, I can't believe I did that!!

My shoulder muscle flexed as I reach and swiftly pass my overall 100th pushup.

Not allowing myself a moment of rest or to catch my breath, I switch to laying down on my back and easily breeze past 50 sit up.

My core, along with everything else, severely burned from my actions, but I couldn't allow myself a moment's rest.

Otherwise the cringe would set it.

I already felt a sharp stab of it lick through my chest as if it were nothing.

"For Christ's sake, you act as if they saw you in the nude or something."

Carol's deadbeat and uninterested tone fills the only room I could walk around in.

I roll my eyes at her and continue to exercise till I started seeing spots and feeling nauseous.

"Easy for YOU to say, you're not the one who bawled her eyes out in front of potential people she fancies. That aside, I just met them! I cried on our SECOND meeting ever! I'm such a fool!!!" I tried to launch myself into another set of exercises, but my limbs simply refused to cooperate. Slowly thudding in pain from my every mild action as I slump to the floor.

"You already have a crush on one of them??? You shameless slut!"

"Who the fuck said anything about just one!?"

"Urgh, heterosexuality is so dead and boring," Carol rolled her eyes, immediately losing interest in the topic.

"She says while currently planning to go on a date with a male coworker just to make her ex-wife jealous and hopefully come back?" I retort.

"It's a foolproof plan, I tell you!!" Carol hopelessly insists.

"It really isn't, bestie." I softly whisper, my chest heaving up and down as I struggle to catch my breath.

But I knew my advice fell on deaf ears. I'd just have to patiently sit back and see how spectacularly this plan would fail. And then laugh accordingly.

My chest continued to rise and fall sporadically as I struggled to properly control my breathing. I placed a hand on it and physically forced myself into a timed breathing rhythm to help me better control it.

There was no livestream today, hence the candid nature with how Carol and I spoke with one another.

But she'd been weirdly insistent on maintaining near-constant communication with me after my crying episode yesterday.

Even though she'd suggested not to livestream today, I was already way ahead of her in making the decision not to because I still needed time to process what the fuck happened.

I didn't think contact with another person would make me break down so easily, let alone two! 

If I could even consider Leo and Dion people at all, and not space aliens with the ulterior motive of...I don't know, stealing my soul?

We hadn't been able to talk much, as the rest of the time we spent together before they had to leave was spent consoling me.

Carol gave accurate directions as, while they understood what I was going through, emotion-wise, they had no clue how to handle it.

Which is strange for creatures that look human.

How can they physiologically bare such a striking resemblance to humans, yet have basic understanding of our language, and completely flounder when faced with basic human emotion?

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