Chapter sixteen

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~Kene's POV~

I sat patiently in the empty boardroom, waiting for the meeting with Karibo Company to commence. Staring intently at the clock on the wall.The meeting was scheduled for 10am, and I arrived ten minutes early, but the minutes seemed to drag on like hours.

I had been looking to get this opportunity for months since I started my business, and I knew that this meeting could make or break the dream I had for turning Grandéur furnishings from just a business to a woodwork company. I'd worked so hard to get to this point and was determined to make every opportunity worth it.

The boardroom was filled with elegant furniture and art pieces that were probably supplied by a business like mine. There was a large mahogany table at the centre and plush leather chairs that surrounded it. The room was tastefully decorated with paintings and sculptures, and the view from the window was also nice.

I wondered if it would be easy to impress the Karibo Company representatives and get the contract to handle the furniture and woodworks supplies for their recently built and still under construction 'Karibo hotels at Victoria Island, Lagos.'

I looked around the room, admiring the beautiful décor and knew that I could make something this good, if not more. Shifting my weight on the seat, and feeling the sweat begin to form on my palms. This contract could be the game-changer for my business, and I couldn't afford to mess it up.

After spending countless nights working on the proposal and presentation, I was sure that I had what it took to handle the furniture and woodworks supplies for a big project like this.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes for a moment, and cleared my thoughts, trying to focus on the task at hand.

Finally, the door to the boardroom opened, and three executives from the Karibo Company walked in.

I stood up to greet them, trying my best to appear calm and confident.

"Good morning, Mr. Jide-Kene. Thank you for coming today," one of the Karibo Company representatives said, she was a tall, elegant woman who introduced herself as Ms. Adeola.

She was followed in by two other executives, a tall bespectacled man and another young woman, probably a secretary.

"Good morning, Ms. Adeola.Thanks for having me," I replied confidently.

The executives took their seats, and the meeting began.

I presented the Grandéur furnishings portfolio, showing them samples of my work and explaining my vision for the project.

Ms. Adeola listened intently, occasionally asking questions and taking notes. I felt my heart racing as I spoke, wondering if I was making a good impression.

I laid out my creativity for the furniture and woodworks supplies for the Karibo Hotels. I spoke with passion and confidence, outlining my experience in the industry and the unique designs I could bring to the table.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the meeting came to an end. We exchanged farewells and they promised to be in touch soon.

I left the boardroom feeling relieved but also anxious. I knew how it was going to be for the next few days.


I would have to wait for their decision.

As I stepped out of the elevator, into the reception and out of the building, walking to the parking lot. I hoped that I had made a good enough impression that would be able to secure me the contract.


The sexual tension in the air was suffocating me as I stared at her inviting lips, drawing me in, she inched closer, and I took it as my cue not hesitating to grab my opportunity. I cupped her face, pressing my lips to hers, kissing her with all the hunger in me and letting loose of all the self-control I'd mustered all night. She was sweet and intoxicating, much more than I'd anticipated.

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