Chapter Twenty One.

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Few weeks later

~Somi's POV~

"We are done!" Folu said, her big bright eyes shining like chandeliers as she twists her slender waist in circular motions, dancing to no song in particular but the celebratory sounds erupting all around us. Everyone is in high spirits.

"Finally. We have our BSc Biochemistry!" I said and she hugged me. Folu and I have always had a close relationship since first year. We never really became buddies or besties as is expected but we always had this mutual respect and support for each other.

As we skipped down the staircase to join the photography frenzy happening downstairs, we didn't pass by anyone who doesn't have a big smile plastered on their sweat drenched face for the boys, and a mix of sweat and make up for some girls. I think we look just the same, navy blue skirt suits, light blue shirts, and sleeked back ponytails, the signature outfit for our final project defence.

"ASUU tried, we tried harder!" Benjamin yelled, smiling as wide as his already big mouth permitted.

It was allowed.

"Somi is a Hons. graduate." I yelled back as loud as I could, laughing.

My phone's ringtone distracted me from the happenings. It was Sarima.

"Congratulations Som-som!" She said, I could barely make out her words from the small Nokia she'd resorted to start using for calls ever since her poor phone gave up.

"Congratulations to us! We did it! We are graduates now!" I replied between breaths.

"Are you done? We've been done for hours now."

"We just finished o. I was just about to join people's pictures."

"Okay, I'm coming to your faculty." She said. I responded in the affirmative and she hung up.

Time zooms by when you're celebrating. Like an envious friend that seethes at your happiness, time wants your celebration to be behind you as soon as possible.

The frenzy finally died down. Few students were left, others have gone their separate ways to wait for clearance and begin separate life, Folu being one of them. For most, we'll meet again during final clearance and convocation. That's the summary of education, if you just keep going, you'll keep going. There are no destinations really, just milestones. The more you go, the more you'll hit.

"Somi!" Sarima waves from close to the entrance and I skipped to meet her. We embraced each other so tight for so long. When we pull apart, we both have damp spots on our shoulders. She wipes the left-over tears on my face and I wipe hers.

"We did it." She said again and we hugged again.

Coming from where we've both come from, the struggles we've both had to face, getting here is as much of a miracle as it is a testament of our hard work, resilience and commitment.

"Have you seen Homa's status?" I chuckled.

"With which phone na." Sarima laughed. "But that one, I know people will think she's the one that graduated."

"Wait let me show you na." I answered dipping my hands in my bag to search for the phone I just dropped in it a few minutes ago.

Homa is not here today, only some final year students are in school, others have gone on the summer break, but her presence is loud on her WhatsApp status though, one would think she was the photographer.


"Wait na, let me get my phone. I don't know why I can't find it now."


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