Chapter Eighteen.

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~Sarima's POV~

The knock was coming in for the umpteenth time that early morning and I couldn't pretend I wasn't hearing it just like my sisters that slept more comfortably with each passing knock.

Who's coming to borrow stuff this early morning again sef?

I was irritated.

I waited to see if the person would get the hint and leave, but another determined knock came by.

Groggily giving my bed one last hungry look, I dragged myself up, rubbing my eyes and going to check who the annoying fellow at the door was.

"Who's that?" Escaped my lips as I unbolted the locks and peeked outside with a frown.

All traces of sleep vanished immediately as my eyes met his angry ones. I involuntarily closed the door.

Kene, shit!

I face palmed, realising what I'd just done.

I opened the door back, a wave of self consciousness enveloping me.

"Good morning, what are you doing here by this time?" I asked, calmly which was totally in contrast to my panicked state, but just so he wouldn't get wind of my bad morning breath.

He only stared at my bloated, morning face. His frown, still in place.

My hand distractedly went to smoothen my hair as I just remembered that it must be in uneven cornrows. I'd hurriedly weaved it before going to bed the previous night to avoid shrinkage.

I didn't even want to think of how much of a mess I looked.

"Give me a minute." I said to him, internally cringing hard.

His eyes fell briefly to the outline of my nipples on my night-tee and he looked away with a nod.

I closed the door, running over to have a look at myself in the mirror.


I went into the bathroom to wash my face, almost toppling over the bedroom demarcation.

Not him, looking all fine and angry while I was like this.

I picked up my toothbrush and paste from the cup and squeezed the bottom of the toothpaste, putting a good amount on the brush and turning the faucet. Luckily water was running.

As I brushed my mouth, flashes of his annoying face kept appearing to me and I wondered why he was even angry.

I'm supposed to be the mad one here. Not after what happened.

I rolled my eyes and decided to slowly take my time in cleaning up instead of hurrying like I initially intended.

I undressed and went to shower.

Few minutes went by and I came out dripping wet.

Homa was already awake and on her phone, she looked at me. "Where are you going this early?"

"Kene is outside," I said. Although, in doubt.

He probably should have left with the amount of time I was taking to come out.

She immediately jumped off the bed with a wide grin. "For real?"

I nodded as I was done getting my body dry.

She fixed her head bonnet, going over to the bathroom to wash her face then wore her glasses once out. Then she slipped out of the room to see him.

"Good morning," she greeted, closing the door behind her.

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