AUTHOR'S Words of Gratitude

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Dear companions,

I extend my deepest gratitude to each of you who embarked on my maiden voyage into ancient India on Wattpad. Your unwavering support, patience with my rookie writing attempts, and understanding of the occasional typos and grammar slips mean the world to me.

To those who've already journeyed through the chapters and cast their votes, your contribution has been instrumental in expanding the horizons of my story's reach. Connecting with readers from corners of the globe I never dreamed possible has been a humbling experience. Not only did my words find a home in India, but also resonated across the USA, UK, Iran, Arab nations, Ghana, Bangladesh, Romania, Philippines, and Pakistan. From 13-year-old enthusiasts to those young at heart beyond 45, your diverse presence paints my journey with vivid hues.

For those who ventured through to the very end, your arrival was anticipated with bated breath. Your engagement fuels my creative fire.

To all the 153 readers who joined me on this ongoing journey and so many more I am waiting for, your continued support holds the power to transform dreams into reality.

Now, a friendly jest aside, I have a small favor to ask from my fellow adventurers.

If you believe my narrative was worthy of your time and imagination:

Cast your vote for each chapter. Your simple click can introduce my words to even more fellow explorers.

The 'DO REVIEW' section awaits your valuable thoughts. Your voice holds the key to refining my craft.

Join me on this literary journey by clicking the 'Follow' button. Your company emboldens my pen.

A bonus awaits the curious – explore my latest literary creations and become part of their inception. ' The Replaced Bride of Maharana Suryatej.'

Whether you've journeyed with me from start to finish or paused along the way, please know that your reading experience is etched in my heart. Your presence is a beacon that guides my words, and it always will be.

With profound appreciation,


Shrinaya Barthwal

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