3 | Sealed Fate

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"I don't care if it hurts, I wanna have control."

~ Radiohead, Creep

"I didn't want to do this, but I'm afraid you leave me with no choice

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"I didn't want to do this, but I'm afraid you leave me with no choice."

Carlos took a device out of his pocket and slid it across the table. Sophie glanced down at it and gasped at what she saw. The screen was split into four squares with live footage of four different locations with four different people- four people she loved very dearly.

Her eyes snapped up to meet the general's, only to find him staring at her with an evil glint in his eyes a sinister smile on his lips. "First and second square on the top of the screen, Angela and Robert Johnson, age 60 and 62 years old. You'll find their address at the bottom of the screen. Your childhood home, correct?" He casually listed the information off.

He didn't let her respond and kept going. "Third square, Darcy Hopkins, your business partner and childhood best friend. You built your dog training businesses as co-owners from the ground up. Opened the shop almost a year ago, December 16th of last year. Lastly, your brother. Tommy Johnson, 30 years old, one of the top lawyers in NYC. Just like all the others, their home addresses are at the bottom of the screen."

Her eyes snapped up to meet his, fear written all over her face. General Hoppers leaned forward, hands folded on top of the table, just inches away from her. With a twisted grin, he sighed, "I'd hate if something were to happen to them."

Before she could blink, he flipped the table over and backed her up a against the wall, her picture frames that were hung on the wall went flying from the sheer force of her body slamming against it. The wind was knocked out of her and all she could do was wheeze out a cry. She tried to push him away, but the grip he had on her neck was strong. He easily used his own body to hold her to the wall.

"I wouldn't like hurting them." He told her, quietly. "But I'd hate losing my very important and expensive military equipment even more."

She sobbed, pathetically, and gripped his hand with all her might, quietly pleading with him. He squeezed her throat just enough for her to struggle, but enough for her to still get small breaths.

"Let me make this clear." He said, lowly, his face inches from hers. "We expect you to do everything the lycanthrope wants to ensure he stays alive, and I mean everything. You train him. You make sure in six months time, he's ready for combat again. When I give an order, he's on it before I even finish my sentence. When he walks out in the street, people don't even blink at him or look at him the wrong way. To them, he's just another person."

He pulled back just enough so his eyes could scan her body up and down. "While you're at it, make me another one of him too. A half mutt and half human wouldn't be too bad."

Startled, she frantically wheezed out, "get off me!"

He slammed his free hand down dangerously close to her head and with the other hand, he briefly cut off her oxygen. "Do not test me, Sophia!"

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