21 | Wolves

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"There's no good times this impossible year. Just a beachfront of bad blood and a coast that's unclear."

~ Panic! At the Disco, Impossible Year

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Something in her told her to turn around, and thank God she did. With a snarl, the danger snapped his jaws, drool dripping from its jowls. Everything about the creature screamed it was out for blood.

Sophie's blood.

The giant wolf pounced and just in the knick of time, Cillian barreled towards it at an inhuman speed, tackling it to the ground. With his claws out, his massive hands gripped around its furry neck to keep it pinned to the forest floor.

He must have known something she didn't because he started talking to the wolf. "Touch her again and I'll snap your neck." He snarled, venom dripping off his words.

With a powerful kick from its hind legs, the animal sent Cillian flying back. That left Sophie and the wolf. Fear lassoed like a rope around her neck, guiding her scrambling back as the beast prowled closer.

She couldn't even get on her feet before it was on top of her, it's claws sunk deep into her thigh. A blood curdling scream broke past her lips, tears flowing heavy and fast down her cheeks. Before its dinosaur sized teeth could snap her head right off, it was slammed on its side.

With the little strength she had left, she turned over to find Cillian looming over her. With her belly down on the ground, he was in a protective stance over her, his knees on either side of her.

Multiple monstrous wolves had them surrounded. They were all quiet, minus a couple yips and growls. Cillian growled right back but she was too busy fighting unconsciousness that it didn't dawn on her why he was able to communicate with them.

They were lycanthrope.

A sickening wet popping noise made Sophie flinch and try to look up to find the source of the horrific sound, but Cillian was quick to shield her gaze from the lycan shifting into human form. After a few more horrible noises, followed by some rustling, she was shocked to hear another voice.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The man's voice was deep and authoritative.

"Shouldn't I be asking you?" Cillian snapped, his stance over his mate not faltering.

"You're the one that crossed into our territory." He scoffed. "We picked up your scent on our border a few weeks ago, but left you alone when you went away. But then you came back. Why?"

Just as Cillian suspected, Sophie's home must have been on the border of a pack. They didn't cross into their territory until now.

His jaw opened but then snapped shut at the sound of Sophie's breaths getting more inconsistent and shallow. Even her heartbeat was beginning to slow, telling him she was about to pass out. He weighed his options and decided, "give my mate the medical treatment she needs and I'll tell you everything you want to know."

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