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Hey y'all! I mentioned I'm in the progress of writing another werewolf book and many of you said you wanted a sneak peek! Just like this book, it is far different than stereotypical werewolf books.

I thought I'd leave you a snippet here, as well as the description. It's very grumpy werewolf x sunshine human.

This book will have lots of romance and fluff, but it also has mentions of death, suicide, depression, abuse, and other triggering topics. Please use discretion before reading.

~ Description ~

Alfie Murphy was secretly a disgraced rouge Alpha who lived amongst the humans- something nearly unheard of to werewolves. However, it was completely unheard of to his new neighbor, Adalyn, being a human and all.

After years of struggling, losing his young daughter to cancer, and battling depression, Alfie was ready to end it all. Quite literally. With a noose around his neck, he prepared himself to take his final breath, when a knock came from his front door.

To his dismay, on the other side of the door was his chirpy new neighbor and her daughter. Alfie's instincts overtook him and he immediately sensed this human was his mate. Being a human, she couldn't sense that- nor would he ever let her find out. The noose still dangled in his living room and he planned on finished what he started, but... maybe not yet.

He planned on avoiding her like the plague, but somehow, they always seemed to cross paths. At the realization that someone needed to take care of his cat when he departed from this earth, Adalyn seemed to be the perfect candidate. The catch? She'll take the cat if he pretends to be her boyfriend until the new year.

The problem? His old pack wants him back. They bring things to an extreme level by kidnapping her in hopes of luring him back. It works, but boy will there be hell to pay for it.

Now to save her life, he needs to live his, but maybe... maybe with her, life isn't so bad.


To set the scene below, Adalyn is a human who ran away with her daughter, Lily, from her abusive ex husband. Alfie is the werewolf. Alfie knows Adalyn is his mate, but she doesn't know this. Adalyn's ex broke into her house and Alfie came in to save the day.


Adalyn quickly approached the brooding man from behind and placed a gentle hand on his broad shoulder. "Alfie?"

Alfie whirled around to face her, anger written all over his face. She knew he'd never hurt her, but with all the adrenaline in her, she couldn't help the little ball of fear that worked it's way in her stomach as he towered over her. 

Her breath hitched. "I-I- um...." the words got caught in her throat. She tried to step back, but he was quick to take hold of her arm with a grip surprisingly light. She peered back up to see the way his expression had softened, making her relax slightly.

"Sorry," he sighed, running his hand down her arm to take hold of her hand. "I'm sorry." Though he was enraged at the moment, he didn't want to take it out in her. It was never his intention.

Carefully, she reached up to cup his face, her thumb running under his already bruising eye. "Are you okay?" She managed to get out.

He blinked, caught off by the question. "Your crazy ex husband just showed up to kidnap you and your daughter, and you're asking if I'm okay?" He exasperated, softly.

She bit her lip, trembling. The adrenaline of it all hadn't worn off yet. "Yeah..." she sighed.

He eyed her, bewildered at the tiny woman. He noticed her tremors and the way she anxiously rung her hands together. Tears were gathered in her eyes, wide and panicked, but she fought them off. She knew once she started to cry, she wouldn't be able to stop. She didn't want that now.

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