33 | Team Jacob

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"Cause whatever I do, it's just got to be you. My life has just begun, I finally found someone."

~ Barbra Streisand & Bryan Adams, I Finally Found Someone 

✨ Author's note ✨For those confused, this book isn't over! I typically update this book once a week, most of the time on weekends

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Author's note
For those confused, this book isn't over! I typically update this book once a week, most of the time on weekends. Sometimes, if I'm inspired and wrote a lot during the week, I post early. Sometimes, if I had a busy or hard week, I post a little late. All this to say, you don't need to worry whether or not this book will have an ending. I promise it will! However, please do not demand updates. Like when people just comment, "update," I think that's very rude. It's okay to ask when the next one will be or to say you're excited for the next chapter, but remember I'm a person with a real life outside this. I write on this app for free and for fun. It takes a lot of my time, but I do it because I love it and I love that you all get to enjoy it too! Anyway, I love you all and I'm so thankful for you! 🩷 I hope this clears up the scheduling I kinda have for this book lol!

A few weeks had passed and Cillian's physical injuries had healed nicely. Being a lycanthrope, his healing process was far quicker than any human. However, the mental and emotional injuries were still there. While he had made tons of progress and had been more trusting with Sophie, one person in particular was still weary.

"No, not until he's incident free for at least a month." Sully gruffly brushed Sophie off.

She had suggested Cillian leaving his cell/hospital room now that he was recovered, but her brother in-law was having none of it. At the very least, she thought he could release him of his handcuffs, but even with that he wouldn't budge.

She scoffed and caught up to him when he tried to leave. "You can't just say that!" She exclaimed, struggling to keep up with his long strides. "He hasn't hurt me since he got here!"

"Yeah, because he's been restrained ever since." Sully reminded her. "And while he may have not with his hands, he still has his moments with his words. What if he's waiting for the right opportunity to pounce?"

"Sully, we've been sleeping together in his hospital bed every night for the past few weeks. Restraints or not, he has enough wiggle room to hurt me if he wanted to- especially when I'm unconscious on his chest. What's the difference between us sleeping there and back home?"

"There's a million reasons why he would wait." He retaliated. "Timing, opportunity, the cameras we have in the hospital room, the guards always around, I could keep going."

"Why are you so determined he's trying to kill me!?"

Sully came to a screeching halt and spun around on his heel to face her. "Why are you so determined to throw yourself in harms way when I'm trying to be a decent person for once and protect you!?"

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