Chapter 1 (Wait She's dead?)

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3rd person POV

Luciano was a good boy. Not troublesome or problematic at all and was very sweet to others and treated them kindly. Unless it was people that were homophobic to him. That's how he ended up in the principal's office. He knew he would be in so much trouble at home. Luci was sweating profusely thinking about the beating he's going to get at home.

A voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "Mr. Stone?" Luci looked up at his principal before the principle continued. "There has been some bad news regarding your mother."

Now the principle had Luci's attention. "Huh? What happened to her?" The principle took a deep breath and sat down across from Luci. "Look kiddo, this isn't going to be easy for you to process but your mother was drunk driving."

"And? What happened to them?" Luci was now beginning to feel anxious. "Son, your mother  died in a car crash." Luci's face dropped and turned white. He didn't cry. Not after what had happened with him and his mother.

"What will happen now?" Luci asked frantically. "Calm down kiddo. Mrs. Kramer over here is from DCFS. She will see if you have any relatives to take you."

"TAKE ME?? WHERE??" Luci yelled frantically. He didn't want to get taken away to some family he didn't know. Matter of fact for him growing up, his mom was single, she was working at a strip club and grocery store to earn money. He didn't have any family nearby.

"Mr. Stone come with me. We'll be going to your house so that you can pack a suitcase." Mrs.Kramer said. "Where will I stay tonight?" Luci asked while he had tears forming. He didn't was to go to a group home again. "You'll be staying at a group home tonight. Tomorrow we'll find out if you have relatives. Now let's get going."

When they got to Luci's house, Mrs. Kramer stayed in the car waiting for Luciano to be done. Luci came out with a suitcase, backpack and guitar. Mrs. Kramer raised her eyebrow. "Is that all you have?" Luci nodded.

Mrs. Kramer opened up the trunk so that Luci could put his stuff in there. Apparently the nearest group home is 3 hours away from their location. So Luciano slept in the car. He was dreaming about having the perfect family and not having a family that was messed up, or better worded as broken.

3 Hours Later

Luciano and Mrs. Kramer got to the group home and met the superviser. He was a sweet man who kept control of the kids. When Luci got to the room he was staying in, he glanced around to see if there were any other boys there. There were two other boys. One was Simon and the other was Mason.

They were surprisingly nice to him and offered Luci snacks. He gladly accepted it probably because He hasn't ate in the last few days. He had dinner there, played board games with the boys and it was off to sleep for him.

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