Chapter 16 (Rush)

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Alessandro's POV

"What the fu- wait I can't swear in front of you." I said while shaking my head. "Are you being serious, Romeo?!"

Romeo showed me the phone and I snatched it out of his hand. It showed Luciano saying that some motherfuckers tried to shoot them but missed. 

"Dad?" Marcello said. "I think I know where Luciano is." 

I perked up, "Where?!"

Marcello said, "Chicago. Like in the South Side. He might be crashing at his friend's house."

"Yeah well we have to get him. Obviously we have to think about getting him without getting shot at. It's a dangerous area," I expressed my thoughts out loud.

He asked, "What if Luci has a gun?"

My heart dropped at those words. "He would never."

"I mean he is in the Southside of Chicago, PLUS he just got shot at. Maybe he does. I mean it is pretty easy to get access to a weapon."

"OK. Here is what we are going to do. We are going to go to Chicago and look for him. I'll take you, Mateo and Marco." I said with full confidence.

Marcello said, "Alright I'll go tell them, but I don't know if Mateo could come cause he got to do some doctor shit."

"That's alright, just go on and ask them." I waved it off, thinking he probably is free.

Luciano POV

The insane amount of adrenaline rush I had is crazy. It's been an hour after the whole drive by shooting and I just realized that I was lucky to not get shot. My heart started racing like crazy fast.

I could feel my breath shortening and I was breathing faster.

I was having an anxiety attack.

What if I had been shot? What if Ryan had been shot? What if Lisa had been shot?
I could've been shot.

"Luci! Stop! Calm down!" I heard Ryan say to me. He ran over to me and held my hand. "Take deep breaths."

"THAT LITERALLY DOESN'T FUCKING HELP!!" I yelled at him. I gasped. "Oh shit my bad. Sorry."

"Alright Luci. Tell you what, we REALLY need to figure things out with Travon," He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "By doing what?!"

He screamed, "Maybe by doing what you were supposed to do earlier?! 

"Oh come one you know why I couldn't do it earlier! I would've done it! I'm not a pussy. I'm just not willing to go to jail again!"

"Luciano! Ryan! Why are you two arguing?! It's dinner time and y'all need to get your asses to the dinner table! Right now!" Lisa hollered.

Me and Ryan quickly rushed to the dinner table where we were greeted by the smell of hot dogs. They decided to eat inside so that there's not another shooting. 

"Damn baby this smells hella good." I said to Lisa while grabbing myself a plate. 

Ryan glared at me, "Yeah thanks Lise."

"Watchu looking at me like that for?" 


"Yes ma'am" Me and Ryan said together.

"Soooo guys, I need to tell you something important." Sofia said. "I'm going to California for awhile."

"WHAT" Ryan screamed. "You can't be actually serious."

Sofia hissed, "I am serious Ryan. Don't worry, you're not going to be alone! You have Luciano and Lisa. Also, Miguel is coming here." (Miguel is Ryan's older brother)

I interrupted, "May I remind you that my bio family lives in California."

"Yeah that too. Wait when are you going to Cali?" Lise asked.

"Tomorrow. I already have my bags packed and I'm flying there." Sofia replied.


"I got the money from work." Sofia nonchalantly said. "Don't worry."

"Don't worry?! When were you planning on telling me this?!"

"Like uh last week," Sofia replied to what Ryan had said. 

Ryan got up from his seat, "I'm going on a walk. Luci, Lisa, wanna come?"

I agreed, "Yeah sure, lemme just bring the plate." I can be a little big backed sometimes not gonna lie.

"Real shit." Lisa laughed.

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