Chapter 4

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The kitchen door opens, and Elliot holds me back as I continue coughing, saying, "I'll take her to buy medicine."

Naomi asks, "What's wrong?"


Elliot takes me away and then drives the sports car to the pharmacy. I remain silent, sitting beside Elliot, with the monster beneath us racing wildly. I have to tightly grip the seatbelt.

We lied. I don't have a stomachache. Apart from my heart, there is nothing uncomfortable.

The car is racing down the hill road, and Elliot doesn't even bother to slow down.

A full moon rises above our heads and slowly descends. In the milky moonlight, it feels like we're sinking too.

Elliot stops the car at a street corner in the city, and my heart continues to pound.

He unfastens his seatbelt, walks to my side, and taps on the car window, saying, "Get out."

I blink and follow his instructions.

We stand by the roadside for a while. This is a busy area, with waves of pedestrians flowing on the street.

My heart swells in my chest, and if I were to cut it open, a cacophony of butterflies would burst out.

I softly call out, "Elliot," but he doesn't respond.

Elliot turns his face away and takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He smokes proficiently, blowing smoke rings like jellyfish.

But Naomi never knows he smokes.

In front of her, Elliot is a perfect man.

Elliot's phone rings; it's Naomi. He replies, "Hello."

"Yeah, I'll be back soon."

Elliot's gaze is cold and unfocused as he looks at the skyscrapers on the opposite side, then he hangs up the call. He turns his head and glances at me as if suddenly remembering something and says, "Forget it, let's go to hotel."

I hesitate for a moment. "Your fiancée is waiting for you."

Elliot stubs out his cigarette, a wisp of smoke lingering around him. "So what?"

I fall silent.

Elliot treats me like a tame prey, stuffing me into the car and driving to a hotel entrance.

He enters the room without turning on the lights and takes me to bed. I fall onto Elliot, and then my pants are pulled off.

Elliot gives the order: "Get yourself wet."

I shiver, and obediently push my fingers into the dry hole. Because of the pain, I groan softly.

Elliot takes off his pants and bites my earlobe: "Hurry up, Naomi is waiting for me to go back."

I froze for a moment, and immediately grit my teeth, add a finger to the closed hole, and say, "Okay."

After a rough sex session, Elliot goes to take a shower.

I bury my face in the hotel pillow, pretending that I am just a sex toy.

Then, as he walks out of the bathroom and begins to fix his hair in front of the mirror, I tell him, "You can go back first."

Sure enough, Elliot left.

But before leaving, he kindly left me a few banknotes, saying, "Take a taxi back."

I look at those paper-thin bills, shaking my head and chuckling lightly.

On the way back, I pass by the hill slope again.

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