Chapter 25

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Elliot's body stiffened for a moment. But in the next second, his hand presses against my waist, tightens, and then his tongue licks my lips.

Once, twice.

My heart begins to race, and all I can hear in my ears is the thumping sound, as if surrounded by a waterfall in the rainforest, unable to hear anything else clearly.

Then, Elliot captures my tongue with his lips, teasing it slowly.

The process feels so slow, as if it has no end, and I feel a tingling sensation from my coccyx to the top of my head, then I fall into Elliot's embrace.

He responds with even more passion.

"Macy, I love you," he holds me close and whispers.

I lost my ability to speak. My mind spinning, and I can only reply with a concise "Mm."

I know.

"Macy, I've decided to move my office to Italy..." Elliot pleads, "Can we see each other more often from now on?"

"Okay, let's meet more later."

Love is probably the most uncontrollable thing.

Since I like him, I need to give us more confidence.

After that day, we go out on several dates again. Like any other couple, we watch movies, have candlelight dinners, and wait for the sunset in Florence's Piazza Michelangelo.

But Elliot has a tendency to take advantage of the situation.

One kiss makes him feel entitled to a second, a third, and countless more.

One weekend, he invites me out again.

This time, the reason seems legitimate: he invites me to a home furnishing mall. He has already found a new office location, and the office needs some furniture, and I happen to have good taste.

In the mall's office section, I found a milky-white desk, an iris-shaped floor lamp, and a very artistic decorative cabinet.

But none of them are suitable for the office.

"Forget it, let's look at something else," I say.

Elliot places his hand on my back. The gesture seems innocent, but the tip of his thumb lightly caresses my bare skin.

Through the mirror on the opposite side, I see my face turning slightly red.

"I'll order whatever you like. The ones that don't fit the office can be placed elsewhere," he says.

I ask in a soft voice, "Where would you put them?"

Elliot's hand slides along my back and finally lands on my neck as he whispers, "I'll put them in our home."

I am stunned for a moment.

Elliot quickly changed the topic. he asks softly, "Your hair seems a bit longer, doesn't it?"

Elliot is very close to me.

I can even smell that unique faint scent on his fingers, as if he has smoked, sorted books, or touched white ginger flowers.

I control myself and say softly, "I'll get a haircut tomorrow," but can't resist asking, "What do you mean by 'our home'?"

"Last night, I was thinking that in the future, we will definitely live together and need a new house," Elliot leans closer to me, smiling tenderly, "Your home is nice too, but it's not very big, and it might not be very convenient."

"Huh?" My tongue trembles.

But Elliot doesn't continue; he flicks the hair by my ear with his thumb and says, "Let's pick another bookcase for the office."

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