Chapter 8

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I've been living in a seaside town for two days.

I dared not spend money freely, afraid of Elliot discovering my whereabouts.

I didn't bring my bank card and instead stuffed a thick stack of cash in my bag. However, I ended up taking an unlicensed long-distance bus that didn't require ID, and when I woke up, all the money in my bag was gone.

I was furious and dragged my suitcase for several kilometers. Finally, I managed to reach the city center, but there wasn't even a decent pawn shop there.

I had no choice but to find a private one and pawned the gold necklace my mother left me before she passed away. I only got one-fifth of its market value.

Then I bought some clean clothes and applied for a job as a waitress in a restaurant. Food and accommodation are included, but the dormitory is only 6 square meters, with four people sharing bunk beds. Still, it's better than sleeping under a bridge.

The boss asked me to come to work the next day, so I went to a nearby supermarket to buy cheap bed sheets, duvet covers, and some daily necessities.

At the exit, I see a pot of hydroponic plant with green leaves adorned with small white flowers. I pick it up, think for a moment, and then put it back.

On the way back, I also changed my SIM card.

I will officially start work tomorrow. The newly purchased cotton bed sheets are a bit scratchy, but I'm too lazy to wash them. I just fell asleep clutching my hair.

In my dream, Elliot is walking towards me with anger all over his face.

I instantly become extremely scared and turn around to run, but Elliot behind me runs even faster.

I finally can't move anymore, bend over and gasp for breath, and then Elliot pats my shoulder.

I look up and see that his anger has disappeared. Not only that, his facial features have disappeared as well. It's a clean face, like a mask without eyes and nose.

I suddenly woke up.

It's already 7 o'clock in the morning. I quickly get up, put on my work uniform, and go to the kitchen to mop the floor.

I work twelve hours a day. The boss is stingy, and the staff meals are made from expired meat and vegetables. My roommate in the dormitory who works as a kitchen helper snores every night.

But I feel peaceful. All I want is this kind of peace.

One day, several months later, I was participating in a discount activity on a certain online platform that required registration, so I logged into an email account I hadn't used for a long time.

There are many unread emails in the inbox, all sent by Noah.

"Macy, where are you going? I'm really worried about you."

"Macy, are you okay?"

"Macy, Elliot is also looking for you."

"Macy, don't worry, I'm just concerned about you as a friend. I won't tell him about your whereabouts."


I cover my face, feeling a tinge of sadness in my heart.

By now, I have saved up some money and redeemed my mother's gold necklace from the pawnshop. I also changed jobs and now work as an art teacher for children at a tutoring institution. The income is slightly higher than being a waitress, and similarly, there's no need to sign a contract or provide a copy of my ID card. I just submitted a student ID photo and started working normally.

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