Chapter 20

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After a while, I say, "I don't like muscles that are so exaggerated. It's scary."

Oliver bursts into laughter.

He seems determined to find me a boyfriend. From his kindergarten teacher to the handsome neighbor who recently moved in nearby, he approaches everyone proactively and asks if they are single.

I even start receiving occasional messages from unknown numbers on WhatsApp. The gist is, "Hi, Macy, your son Oliver gave me your phone number. Interested in going out for a drink?"

And some are more direct: "Hi, Macy, you're really pretty and sexy."

Yeah, my WhatsApp profile picture used to be a cloud, but now it is changed to a selfie.

It's Oliver's doing, of course.

After rejecting several men in a row, I finally can't take it anymore and frown at Oliver, saying, "If it weren't illegal to hit kids in Italy, you'd be dead already."

Oliver sticks out his tongue and pretends to be innocent, saying, "I'm just concerned about your love life, that's all."

The next day is Monday, and as soon as I arrive at the office, the manager rushes in, saying there are bonuses to be distributed. I join the queue, not expecting what is to come: a weekend voucher for a five-star forest hotel in Tuscany, with the option to bring a family member for free.

Everyone's mouths hang open in astonishment, and once they regain their senses, they start wondering if the boss has gone crazy, suddenly becoming so generous.

I look at the two vouchers I receive and fall into a silent daze. After a while, I tremble slightly, perhaps because the air conditioning in the room is too cold.

On Saturday morning, I drive to the hotel with Oliver. We leave the city and follow the highway towards the countryside. The landscape gradually changes from hills to mountains, and the vast forest stretches out like a serene and distant sea.

The white, retro-style carved hotel stands amidst the forest. I enter the lobby with Oliver and look through the glass wall, seeing the vineyards on the hills behind the hotel, like a flowing oil painting.

A staff member helps us put our luggage on a golden trolley and takes it to our room. While I am checking in at the front desk, Oliver has already run to the nearby sofa, eating the chocolates provided for free on the table. Just as I turn to look for him, the large screen TV in the hotel catches my eye. It is on silent mode, displaying rolling news.

During a stage of the presidential elections in a certain South American country, they are giving speeches on stage. Occasionally, the camera pans to the audience, and a cold, handsome face catches my eye. The man slightly turns his head and exchanges a few words with the young person next to him before the camera reluctantly moves on.

Oliver also notices that man and then steals a glance at me.

I lower my head and extend my hand to him. "Let's go to our room."

Oliver takes a couple of quick steps and puts his hand in mine. "Does the room have a balcony?"

"Of course."

"Yes!!!" He starts pulling me along.

"The front desk said there's a spa and swimming pool on the lower floor."

His steps come to a halt. "Mom, I didn't bring my swimsuit."

"I've already prepared it for you. It's in the suitcase. The one with SpongeBob SquarePants."

We enter the elevator.

Inside, I hold Oliver's hand and look at my reflection in the mirror.

At some point, I think, "Is this person really me?"

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