Choice time~

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Reaching from your took the arrow out, and changed your walking stick into it's Banshee mode...

As you did so, you watched the horror like expressions from summer, and the concerned expressions coming from Tai, Ruby, and Yang...

If this was what it would take to silence them and keep them away from you...throwing away your chance at a nice life was a small price to pay...

You knocked the arrow in as you watched Summer run towards you with tears in her eyes...

Y/N: I'm sorry mom...

You drew your bow and pulled the string back while aiming to the moon lit skies...

But as you looked to Blake who had a look of disbelief while shaking her head at you...

She...she then drew her weapon at you...

She mouthed something you couldn't pick up, but...all you could say was...

Y/N: I'm sorry Blake...I guess we really can't be friends anymore...

After pulled back with all you might...and screamed.

Y/N: but you know what!?-

The felt Banshee pull and twist against you as you allowed it's inner mechanisms pull the arrow away in the world's most intense match of tug-of-war against a bow as the arrow's tip gave off a threatening grow.

Unknown to you however, the black substance not only began to pool beneath your feet...but it began to change the Banshee in its entirety...

With each black droplet falling onto your bow, the liquid changed the bow's metal titanium frame into a hardened bone like felt like the armor of a Grimm...

But you didn't care...

Y/N: I'll do it differently this time!...I WONT BE WEAK!

Black strands infected the once pristine and well crafted arrow.before morphing it into a splinter ridden spike...

Then you let go...

Summer pov

This...was my son...the boy right in front of me...the hate filled boy I almost had in my arms...

That was my boy...

Summer: Y/N, No!-

I tried to call out as I rushed towards him as fast as my legs could carry me...but I don't think he heard me...

Then right before I came just 4 feet away...he loosened his arrow...

A massive wave and gust of wind came from the simple release of the massive amount of potential kinetic force of his bow. It forced me back as I could only watch the arrow, now loose and fired. Fly into the air before breaking the sound barrier...and the arrow screamed until it reached its peak...

It had reached well above the highest tower...and moments before it began it's decent down wards...

It began to split...

Tai: what the hell!?...- wait-...don't tell me!-

don't tell me!-

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