Choice time!!!!- oh...and thanks...

877 23 73

You sat up with the help of the woman named Kali before feeling somthing soft under you...unlike before when you had waken up in a stiff cot in Vale, you had come to find yourself in a high quality bed with fluffy pillows.

Kali: careful...

Kali helped you sit up right before placing a glass in your hand.

Kali: it's filled with fresh water. Go on and take a sip

A little distrusting, you gave a quick sniff before noticing that it was actually water...huh...

Could you trust her?

Taking a small sip, your dried throat was almost immediately taken over by greed. The refreshing liquid was gone as you down the contents of the glass without a second thought.

Kali: o-oh my, I'll get you another! Here...

You felt a soft hand guide your own as She began to pour water into the empty glass.

Kali: drink it a bit slower please...

You nodded

Y/N: t-thank you...

You drank the water once more, but this time with a bit of cooth, instead of chugging the contents like it were your last.

But with a relaxed and relieved sigh, you spoke up after finishing the water in your glass once more.

Y/N: thank you again...

You heard the woman chuckle to herself before speaking.

Kali: it's no issue young then...let start with introductions...shall we?

A small shiver ran down your spine as you felt the air around the room change...

Could you really trust her?...

Corky: CUT! Okay every one, take five...oh!- hi!...wanna see somthig cool?~

wanna see somthig cool?~

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Corky: 300+ followers top 5!?- and almost 25 k!?

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Corky: 300+ followers top 5!?- and almost 25 k!?...nice~...thank you all, for being a part of the journey's we have been making together...I can't really give anything more than a simple thank you and choice of what happens, but hey...we all have our fun here right?...keep doing you...and show them how bright you can burn...oh...and a quote to those that have been with me for a while...

"Good luck little lights"....

1. While speaking, Y/N will be _____

A. Defensive

B. Afraid

C. Cautious

D. Agitated

E. Custom choice!!!

2. Y/N will _____ from/in Menagerie

A. Leave (peaceful)

B. Escape (in danger)

C. Stay (temporary)

D. Live (permanent)

E. Custom choice!!!

3. Y/N will gain a ________
(He will already be repairing Banshee...)

A. Power (your choice)

B. Weapon (your choice)

C. Information (your choice)

4. While in Menagerie, Y/N will encounter _______

A. White Fang Assassins

B. Grimm

5: during this encounter, Y/N will

A. Fight

B. Surrender

C. Talk

D. Escape

Corky: let's keep going then! And thanks!

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now