A New Maid

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You lived in a small village, to which people worshiped a goddess called Mother Miranda.

There were 4 lords that worked under her, Karl Heisenberg, Moreau, Donna Beneviento, and Alcina Dimitrescu.

The Villagers were terrified by Lady Dimitrescu, there are multiple stories going about, you never listened to then though since you never cared.

People in the Village would call you Emotionless or careless, but you described it as stoic.

You never showed People how you felt and had trouble understanding your feelings as well.

One day your family got tired of it and sold you the the Dimitrescu family name as a maiden.

You didn't really care too much though, the next day you made your way to the castle with a bag of luggage.

You finally arrived to the front entrance
And knocked on the door then after a few seconds the door opened, and a maiden stood there.

"Ah, you must be Y/n, the new maiden." The woman said letting you into the castle.

"I am.." you gazed around the castle entrance, then looked back at the maiden.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Ingrid the head maiden, I'll give you a tour while explaining the basic rules." Ingrid said to you.

Ingrid showed you around the castle, while talking.

"The Lady has three daughters, Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela, you will refer to them as miss. If a room is locked then it's supposed to be so don't go on any adventures, and do NOT open any windows keep them closed at all times... understand?" Ingrid asked.

"Yes I do..." you said.

"Good, that's the end of the tour, head to you room and get ready, another maiden will be there to bring you to dinner." Ingrid quickly left after she was done talking.

You then make it to your room and found a maiden outfit on your bed.

You put the outfit on and then did your hair. Suddenly someone knocked on your door, you opened the door and saw another maiden.

"Hello! My name is Ashley, what's your name?" The girl asked enthusiastically.

"Oh.. my name is Y/n" You stated.

"Y/n... thats a cool name! Well let's go we don't want to be late for dinner!" Ashley grabbed your hand and quickly led you to the dinning room.

"You will be picking up the dishes and bringing them to the kitchen after the ladies are done eating" Ashley stated.

You just nodded, a few minutes pass then buzzing and maniacal laughter could be heard nearby.

you looked towards the dinning room doors and swarms of bugs came flying in and materialized into three girls.

All of them wearing black cloaks, one with blonde hair, one with dark brown hair, and the last with red hair.

You raised an eyebrow at the girls this was something quite odd, then loud heels could be heard approaching, you looked back at the entrance of the dinning room.

And your mouth fell agape... you were absolutely taken aback, which was something that barley happened.

A tall woman, and I mean a tall woman ducked through the doors of the room, she had to at least be around 9 foot.

You shook your head and closed your mouth quickly composing your self.

The woman had raven black hair styled in curls, cirmson red lipsitck, yellow piercing eyes, a curvy figure, and a cream colored dress on.

You averted your gaze as it was rude to stare, the Dimitrescus sat at the table and multiple servants came out with plates of food.

They placed the food infront of the ladies and the Dimitrescu's started eating, the three girls were talking about how to dismember a body properly, strange...

You couldn't put a finger on why you found the countess so intriguing, though there were plenty of reasons, you watched as the woman and her daughters ate.

Soon they finished then up and left, you quickly grabbed all of the plates and glasses that were on the table then brought them to the kitchen.

It seemed as though all the kitchen staff left the kitchen already, so you decided to clean the dishes yourself.

30 minutes pass and you finally finished the dishes, you made your way back to your room, easily remembering the way.

You laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Word count (729)

Void of Emotions (Lady Dimitrescu x Fem)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora