The Culprit(s)

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the girls were sleeping while you read suddenly someone came into the room and you looked at the person.

It was Ingrid.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" She narrowed her eyes at you.

"Oh, Lady Dimitrescu asked me to watch her daughters."

"I see... what happened to them?" she asked.

"From what I saw someone tried to kill them..." you said.

You looked over to the girls and noticed that Bela was up and staring at the both of you.

"Miss. Bela, your mother wishes to speak with you." You did a small bow.

"Alright..." Bela dispersed into a swarm of bugs and left.

{Lady Dimitrescu's POV}

The countess sat on her chair as she took small sips of her wine, suddenly Bela appeared in the room.

"Mother you wished to see me?" She questioned.

"Yes dear." The countess stood up and faced Bela. "Are you alright?" She said slightly concerned.

"I'm fine, but what did you want to talk about?" Bela asked.

"I was wondering if you happen to remember the culprit to this mess." The countess pondered.

"Oh, it was three maidens, I dont know thier names, all I know is that one was blonde and the other two had brown hair." She shrugged.

"Hm... I suppose I'll ask that one maiden if she knows anything."

"Who? Y/n?" Bela asked.

"Is that her name Y/n?" Lady dimitrescu raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well I'm going to check if my sister's are up now." Bela said then swarmed away.

{Y/n POV}

Ingrid left a few minutes ago and you decided to clean the room since you hadn't really been doing anything.

You dusted a couple of bookshelves when you saw a portrait of Lady Dimitrescu.

For some odd reason you felt enamored by it, suddenly you heard buzzing and snapped out of your daze.

"What are you doing?" Cassandra asked you.

"I was cleaning." you stated blankly.

"Really, cus I seemed as if you were staring at that portiat" she narrowed her eyes at you.

"Oh.. well yes I was doing that as well..." you looked over her shoulder and saw Daniela walk up behind her.

"Cassandra, stop being a brat." Daniela giggled.

Cassandra huffed and rolled her eyes.

"There is something about that picture that makes me feel drawn to it." You stated simply.

"It's just a portrait, what so special about it?" Cassandra asked.

You shrugged as you didn't really know. Suddenly Bela appeared.

"Y/n, our Mother wants to talk to you now." She said then left quickly.

"Welp, cya later Y/n." Daniela smiled at you.

You left the room and then ran into Ashley on your way there.

"Oh Y/n! Where are you headed?" She asked You.

"Oh.. Lady Dimitrescu's Chambers." You said.

"What!? Did you do something!?" She asked you, obviously worried.

"Not that I'm aware of..." you said in a monotone voice.

The both of you walked and talked until you arrived at the doors of the Countess's chambers.

"Good luck Y/n." Ashley said then left.

You knocked on the door.

'Enter' You walked into the room and closed the doors behind you.

"Y/n, Bela said there were three maidens who were the culprits.. one blonde the others brown haired... any one come to mind?" She asked.

"... yes actually, I worked with them at breakfast this morning... they were speaking of a plan they had, though I don't know there names I could easily point them out..." you stated.

"No need, I'll just ask Ingrid who she put on cleaning duty this morning... i-" the countess diverted eye contact. "Thank you... You may go." She looked at you again.

You nodded then left the room.

At night it was quite hard to sleep as the screams of those same three maidens rang out all night. I guess no sleep for you.

Word count (650)

Void of Emotions (Lady Dimitrescu x Fem)Where stories live. Discover now