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For the past 2 days slowed steps of shuffling could be heard from the cellar, as well as low growls from afar.

This, this was new..

You heard steps, but not the same shuffled ones you've been hearing.

They were definitely not the Countess's they were to light for that possibility, and they sounded unsure, so not the daughters either.

Could be a maiden? You hit it right on the dot, as Ashley appeared in front of your cell.

she unlocked the door and then approached you to free your hands from the shackles.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"The Lady wants you clean up then meet her in her personal chambers.." Ashley extends a hand to help you up and you accept it.

When you stood, you felt weak, though its not a surprise as you haven't stood in 2 days.

Ashley let you hold onto her for support, she brought you to a bathroom and gave you a clean pair of clothes.

"Hey Y/n... I'm sorry-"

"You don't need to apologize Ashley." You stated simply.

"Y-yeah but what-"

"Don't, im fine." You interrupted.

"I-... fine, ill be going now." Ashley said then left the room.

You sighed then took a bath after you got dressed ino the new maidens outfit you were given and brushed your hair.

When you were done you made your way to the Countess's chambers, you arrived and knocked on the door.

You felt a bit more void than usual.. perhaps you were a bit mad at your lady, it was hard to tell.

Suddenly the Countess's silky and elegant voice called you in, you entered the room the doors closing behind you.

The Lady sat on a couch with a  coffee table in front of her with another couch  on the opposite side of the table.

"Come, sit." She stated her voice sounded welcoming.

You sat down to the opposite couch and faced towards her, completely silent as you refused to look at her.

You noticed another maiden in the room holding a wine bottle sanguis virginis with two glasses in the other hand.

The Countess motioned the maiden to pour the wine.

She placed a glass in front of you a carefully and slowly poured the wine, but it didn't go unnoticed that she was shaking slightly. She then did the same for the countess.

"Your dismissed maiden." The Lady stated to which the girl quickly left the room.

You looked at the wine. A blank expression.

The countess hummed.

"You haven't spared me a single glance since you've been in here, are you perhaps scared?" A sly grin grew on her face.

"Scared is something I have never felt my lady." You stated simply looking out the window now.

The Countess's grin faded as her expression changed to curiosity.

"Tell me then, why do you refuse to look at me?" She raised an eyebrow at you.

"I'm not in the mood to see your face."

"Really now? How gauche." The countess picked up something off the table then you heard a lighter and a smell of tobacco came quickly after.

"I'll allow it. Now take a drink, I want to talk." She stated quickly.

You looked back at the wine and picked it up and took a sip of it.

It was thicker that any regular wine and had a bit of a irony taste mixed with a fruity flavor.

You knew what was in it but refused to make the countess aware of the fact that you did.

You put the glass back down.

"What do you wish to speak about.." you asked.

She let out an audible sigh. "Y/n... I wanted to apologize.."

You finally looked up at the countess, she showed guilt, it was obvious. You stayed silent letting her continue.

"I have made a lapse in judgement." She took a drag from her cigar and puffed the smoke into the air.

"I understand you weren't flirting with that maiden, and I apologize for my pestering." The countess yellow eyes were piercing not once looking away.

"It's fine. Apologies if I was seeming to be a bit too cold my lady.." you said.

A small smirk placed the Countess's lips and she stood to her full height, your eyes wondered her as she did so.

Her glowing yellow eyes her lip to which her lip stick made it that much more appealing the way her dress perfectly showed her curves and held her breasts together, the way she held her cigar.

It made your heart race, she made your heart race. You looked back up to her face and she seemed to be amused by your staring.

You took a breath and acted indifferent.  But it was a simple act, you couldn't help but feel these strange but likable emotions.

You stood up as well.

"You know darga mea... you are a quite interesting one aren't you?" The Countess licked her teeth seeming to bit a bit blood thirsty.

You noticed this quickly but was unfamiliarwith the two words she used.

The countess went to her vanity and put out her cigar on the ash tray, she then turned to look at you.

"Come over here, won't you?" It was more of a demand than a question.

You nodded and made your way over to her, as you stood in place the countess stared at you neck for more than a moment.

"My lady?" You questioned.

The countess bent down unresponsive and breathed you in it seemed like, she placed her hand on top your head and tilted it slightly to the sidemaking your neck more visible.

"Do you mind darga?" She asked her cool breath hitting your neck, a shiver went down your spine as it hit you.

"I-.. I don't mind my lady..." you stated while your breath hitched.

The countess hummed.

"Good girl." Her voice was low and possessive.

The words and the way she said it made you shudder, this feeling was strange, your face felt hot.

The Lady kissed your neck softly and then sunk her teeth into you. You felt a sharp pain but did not struggle away from her and just let it happen.

It was painful mixed with something you've never felt before, but you liked it.

Soon she finished and then licked the rest of the blood that was on your neck, she then stood up with satisfied look on her face.

"My my, darga, you're blood is quite something isn't it.." she said smirking.

You looked up at the with a tired look on your face. but of course, you were drained.

The countess let out a chuckle as she saw your tired expression.

"You need some rest, Bela!" She called out.

Not a moment later a swarm of bugs flew into the room and formed into Bela.

"Yes mother?" She asked.

"Take the maiden to her sleeping quarters will you dear?" She stated.

"Of course mother." Bela took you into her arms and by the time she got you to your room you were fast asleep.

Word count (1187)

Void of Emotions (Lady Dimitrescu x Fem)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu