Personal Maiden

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You got up earlier than usual and quickly got ready, you then left your room and walked down the halls of the castle.

The sound of buzzing grew closer and suddenly Bela appeared in front of you.

"Ah, so Daniela wasn't lying... you really did volunteered to be our mothers personal maid.." she stated.

"Yes I did.." you said then suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder you turned around quickly and saw Cassandra.

"My my, you have some guts Y/n~" she giggled. "I bet they taste delicious~" she said with a crazed look.

You looked back at Bela ignoring Cassandra. "Well.. I do have somewhere to be so..."

"Go right ahead Y/n..." She said the got out of your way.

You left and continued walking until you made it to the Countess's chambers.

You knocked on the door then entered the room.

You saw the countess in her bed asleep, she looked calm it was cute in a way... you quickly shook your head.

You went to the curtains of the room and opened them letting light flood in, and the Countess's eyes opened slightly.

You turned around to face her "my lady." You bowed.

She sighed then stood up out of bed "grab me my clothes.." she waved you off.

You nodded and went to her closet and grabbed a white dress and matching undergarments.

You came back into her room "where would you like me to put them?" You asked.

"Just place them on my bed... then grab me some tea." She stated.

You did as she said then left the room to grab her some tea. A few minutes you returned back to her room again

"My lad-" you cut yourself off when you saw the countess in nothing but her undergarments as she sat on her bed with her legs crossed.

You blushed evidently and looked back down at the tea quickly. "U-uhm.. your tea."

"Put it on my vanity will you?" She smirked.

You nodded "anything else?" You asked when you were done.

"Yes, help me into my dress" She said slyly as she stood up.

"Y-yes of course.." you picked the dress off the bed.

"Good, there's a step stool near my vanity." She pointed.

You grabbed the step stool and placed it behind the countess

She stepped into the dress and you started pulling it up her body, your fingers brushing against her skin sometimes.

Once you got the dress all the way up you zipped it then put the stool back, you felt as if your heart was going to jump out if your chest.

You took a deep breath and jumped slightly when you felt a large hand on your shoulder.

You turned around quickly and saw the countess holding a smirk on her face.

"Sorry Dargá did i scare you~" she teased.

"No... you just surprised me." You said softly.

"Mmh~ so much more open when you're around me, tell me why." She commanded.

"I- what? I-i don't know..." you muttered

"Oh really?" She teased.

"I- y-you-"

Void of Emotions (Lady Dimitrescu x Fem)Where stories live. Discover now