Phone Call

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Zion Morozov

I waited.

Expecting a call.

But I had nothing but time.

My sister walked though my elevator doors and into my office.

-In Russian-

"I did it. She looked shocked. I never knew she was so beautiful." She smiled.

"Mmm, when does she get off?"

"As of 30 minutes ago. She did a 10 hour. I just landed which means... yeah it was about 30." She set her obnoxiously patterned bag on my desk.

"Why do you need a doctor working for you?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"It's necessary at a club where people get wasted, you know?" I tried and she believed it.

"Makes sense. Quicker treatment."

"Exactly. Don't you have a dinner with mom and dad?"

"Shit. Bye! I love you."

"Love you, drive safe Zoe."


I clicked my pen twice.

Then a ring.

My second came up and answered it.

"Hello, Morozov Empire."

On speaker.

"Hello, it's Kaia Blanc, your sister visited me today?"

"Ah, yes, my name is Alec, I'm Zions second and best friend but I know you struggle with strong accents and over the phone I figured hearing him would be a challenge so I'm here to help you understand better." He explained.

"Alright, I just called for more, in depth details." She spoke, her French accent delicate and light.

Not very strong but based on my research she'd been here since she was 17, spending the last six years in American English and only speaking that except with family and people who also spoke it.

"Alright, Zion has a large proposal. We understand you're currently living in Washington correct?"


"Alright, well as you learned this job resorts around you working directly under Zion so you'd travel with him but stay in New Orleans most of the time. Your living situation is already figured out, it'll be in a penthouse that belongs on one of his properties, you go online shopping, share the list to Zion, it'll be fully furnished with everything you want." He read off.


He laughed, "I agree, wow, alright and for job, you'll be obviously doing what you do best. In his career path, injuries of all sorts occur which is why you'd be needed. With that, you'll be almost 'on call' and you're start, minimum pay is $1,500,000, a year possibly rising with your usefulness and what the year holds." He said, gaping at me.

I knew I was going to get a lecture.

"That's so much."

"Yep." He glared at me.

"You get free transportation, car and plane. You may leave to France as long as it was decently planned anytime to see your family with no cost. Your lifestyle will be very upper class and lavish with a 'work card' where all home expenses and personal expenses such as hygiene and clothing may be used." He said.

"Wouldn't I have to pay?" She asked.

"Technically you will be paying, yes, he will accept a $500 rent per month in the penthouse but if you're to use the work card, half of the total will be taken from your account." He muted the phone.

"You're not even letting her pay are you? I'm lying. Bastard." He cursed before going back on.

"Wow, okay. Damn."

"You'll also attend fancy events with him just in case and as a precaution since traffic will be too bad for you to be called. But that's about all." He nodded.

"So if I decline?"

I smiled.

"If you decline, you live life."

"If I accept?"

"Then you get your ducks in a row and he will plan a day to get you and bring you here to begin your new life."

"What about my apartment now?"

"Keep what you want in boxes, what you don't just keep in there and we can take care of it."

"Okay. Do I have time?"

He looked at me.

"Tomorrow morning at 9." I shrugged.

He repeated that into the phone.

"That's all?"

"That's it. Choose wisely."

"Well thank you. I appreciate it. Goodbye Alec, I'll have an answer by the morning."

"Have a good evening, Kaia."

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