Carried Away

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Kaia Blanc

I woke up, my head throbbing.

My stomach aches but I don't feel too terrible.

A knock came at my door.

"Can I come in?" Zion asked.

"Mmhm." I hoped it was loud enough because my throat was dry and my voice felt unusable.

He came in, handing me 2 Aspirin and a glass of water.

"Thank you." I whispered as I took the medicine and drank the water.

I set the glass on my side table.

I looked up at him, frozen.

He was in grey sweats and shirtless.

"I took the couch, you were struggling." He said, scratching the back of his head, his abs flexing, the ink was incredible across his body, there wasn't really a blank space.

"Okay." I nodded, looking at my hands after scanning him.

Nine inches...

I glanced. I did but didn't see anything since they were baggy and he wasn't moving or standing weird.

But nine? Under there?


He tapped my chin up and I met his eyes.

He smirked.


I swallowed, turning away and reaching for my glass as I chugged the rest of the water.

"Food or bath?" He asked.

"Bath." I answered.

"I'll run one for you, eat a banana please."

"I don't have-"

"They're on the island. Beside some peanut butter I left out. Go eat it." He offered his hands as I worked to stand up.

I was in a large black T-Shirt.

"Did you change me?" I asked.

"I did. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable you just were in a really-"

"It's okay." I nodded.

"Are you sure?" He frowned.

"I trust you. What's the backstory about my lack of underwear?" I asked.

"You fought me and told me your private parts had to breathe but you used a fancy French word." He rambled, clearly still nervous I was upset.

"Sounds like me. Listen, don't overthink it, I trust that you did what you had to do and I know how I am when I'm drunk. Clothes aren't drunk Kaia's thing." I nodded.

"God it was terrifying. You removed the dress as soon as you got in here and just left everything on the floor in a mess and I had to fight you to put a shirt on. You said you wouldn't unless it was mine so I had to take mine and put it on you then you finally went to bed after asking why the sky cries." He sighed.

I laughed.

"I'm awesome."

He glared at me.

"What? I am. This is the first time I haven't woken up completely naked after drinking. I'm impressed." I walked past him and to the island where the bananas sat with the jar of peanut butter.

I knew I'd recall everything eventually but I wasn't worried.

I ate the banana completely, peanut butter still stuck to the roof of my mouth a little bit.

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