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Zion is very twisted. This is Mr. Aldine's Princess but a lot more intense and in my opinion, darker.

Love you all♥️

Zion Morozov

Was I an absolute asshole?


But I wanted to scar her. I wanted something specific to immediately remind her of me.

Was I starting to feel some sort of way toward her?


Alec was absolutely into forcing this upon her since we #1 didn't have many women in our first response team and #2 because he understood me.

She frowned.

"If I'm with you, what would happen?" She asked.

"It's ironic to say but it's all trust, angel. Gut feeling. What would be best for you? Because this is a weekly event that occurs. So this week and next week could be different." He told her.

I just watched her, analyzing her body while she was distressed.

Her thighs and ass filled the scrubs well.

She was "heavier" set. Maybe sat at 170 lbs?

But absolutely perfect for me.

"I'll sit with you." She whispered.

"Between my legs." I said and she walked to me, sitting crisscrossed between my legs.

She put her hands around my calves and I could feel her trembling.

I smiled as I grabbed her forehead and chin, holding her head to the scene.

She squirmed, panicking.

"No, I don't know if I can-"

"I'll tape your mouth shut, Kaia. Be quiet and watch. It's happening regardless. Take some breaths." I said and she did, leaning her body back into me.

"Make sure she doesn't shut her eyes." I told Alec and he nodded.

"You watching?" He asked and she nodded stiffly against my grip.

He walked toward her, setting down a knife, a sword, and a bat.

"How does he go?" He asked.

"What would you do with them all?"

He laughed.

"I'm not letting you pick the easy way out for him. He raped a woman. Both those men did. Who know how many women were also victims of them. Come on now, there's no hero in this scenario." He told her and she looked among them.

"Uhm, knife." She whispered.

I gently rubbed her hair from her forehead before holding back on.

"You two are clinically insane." She whispered.

"Oh printsessa, you're not gonna be so innocent yourself." I sighed.

She was silent as he went to the dude he picked.

He looked at her.

"Eyes open the whole time angel!" He told her.

"She's flinching." He said and I grabbed her throat.

"Open those pretty little eyes or I'll sew your eyelids to your face." I whispered and she whimpered.

"Good girl." I coaxed when she obeyed.

He stabbed the man in the stomach, making him thrash and scream.

Then worked the knife across.

"Oh god." I heard her sob.

"Open those pretty eyes, Kaia. I'm not messing with you." I warned.

"I'm looking." She cried.

His intestines hit the ground with a loud slap to the cement.

Another sob.

"Good, good girl. I'm so proud of you, Kaia." I released her neck and she looked down at she cried.

I rubbed her back, her shoulders.

"Wait a second till the next, Alec." I told him and he nodded.

I picked her up, off the ground and pulled her into my lap.

She laid her head on my shoulder and cried.

She was trembling.

I rubbed her back.

"I know. I know. It's really hard the first time." I whispered.

I grabbed her hands, "sit up."

She did and I blew on her face, it was red and heated.

"You're alright. You're fine. That was it." I fixed her curls.

She shook her head.

I grabbed her chin, lifting it to have her look at me.

"You did it. I'm very proud of you, that was really good." I nodded.

She nodded, sniffling.

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"I'm okay." She cleared her throat.

"Good, because I'm doing the next." I said and she sighed, frustrated.

"You can go sit on that chair." I said and she frowned.

"No?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"You don't have many options."

"Can you just shoot him? From over here." She asked.

"Why?" I asked.


"On the floor then." I said and she did, sitting like she had, wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Plug your ears." I said as Alec handed me my gun.

She did, pressing her body to my left leg.

I took it off safety, cocked it, aimed, shot.

A rippling scream echoed.

I got him in the thigh.

"I can't make his death quick, Kaia." I explained.

She kept her ears plugged and I shot in the stomach, the groin area, then right into the right eye forcing an instant death.

She exhaled a sharp breath.

"You good?" I pet her head.

She nodded.

She was quiet.




I smiled, very pleased.

"How about we sit in the car while Alec takes care of the third?" I asked and she nodded.

I helped her up, walking with her to the car.

I helped her into the passenger side, I got on my side.

She stared out the window.

"You don't like me very much, do you?" I smiled.

She shrugged.

"That's fair. He's gonna be done, bring the man into the car, then you're gonna treat him. After that, you have the day to yourself." I said and she nodded.

I grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it.

"You did very good, Kaia. You don't grasp my pride and appreciation but I feel both heavily." I whispered.

She nodded, looking at me with empty eyes.

All the bad in me chanted yes as I took her down with me. Tainting her beautiful soul.

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