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Zion Morozov

"I should get her home guys." I said and they all smiled.

"Why? I'm not a kid with-"

"I'm also going home. I'm tired." I looked at her and she frowned.

"Anyway, see you all later, Alec, you're closing." I nodded.

Kapri stood, hugging her so tightly.

"It was amazing to talk to you. I hope I see you again soon." She smiled at Kaia.

I should be fine with this too.

But I'm not. I hate it. And Kapri knew that as she smirked at me like a cocky prick.

She kissed my cheek.

"Have a good night, drive safe." She turned and sat by Ivan.

"See how he is? Nice? He sits there so kindly because he trusts her? And they're married." Kaia lectured.

"Have fun." Ivan laughed.

"Let's go." I looked at her and she kept talking about how I was obnoxious and how she didn't think it was necessary for me to be how I am.

We got to my car and I opened the door for her.

She got in, still complaining as I shut the door and got in my side.

"Kaia." I interrupted when I got in.

"What?" She glared.

"If you don't stop talking, I'm gonna kiss you. I'm gonna take you home, press you against some sort of surface and make your lips purple. Maybe while I'm at it I'll bruise your ass. Shut up." I whispered.

Her face went a bright red color, shock completely covering her face.

She was then silent.

I leaned over, picking her calves up and moving her so her feet were in my lap.

I removed the heels noticing the calluse on her pinky toes from the strap.

"Buckle." I said and she did.

I buckled, keeping my hand on her calf as I began driving.

Her skin was so soft. It was addicting to touch.

"Zion?" She murmured.


"When are you gonna make me watch you kill those men?" Her voice was very quiet as she picked at her hands.

"Tomorrow." I grabbed her hands.

"Stop that." I told her.

"Okay." She barely whispered.

So obedient it made me happy.

"How are you killing them?" She asked.

I hummed, my hand moving along both calves.

"I'm not sure. It depends on you." I said.



"Uhm..." she had an idea.

I already knew.

I was at the building of her penthouse as I parked.

I began massaging her feet after being in the heels for hours.

"Kaia, sweetheart, it's okay to have ideas. It doesn't make you a bad person to let yourself slip a little. It's freeing. Being able to destroy the nasty people in the world is a power very few people have. We are two people who have that power. So, if you have an idea, please tell me because I'll make you pick anyway." I said.

"I-I was thinking the one that uhm... hurt the 3 year old could get uh..."

"Get what baby?" I whispered.

Her face was a hot red.

"B-burned alive?" She murmured.

I smiled, beaming with sadistic pride.

"That's amazing! A fantastic idea! Such a good job." I laughed as I got out of the car, going to her side.

"Really?" She asked, shocked.

"Absolutely! That's truly a great idea." I picked up her heels.

She looked suddenly proud of herself.

God I was good.

"If you want I can carry you to your house. I know your blisters probably hurt a bit."

"Okay." She nodded.

I carried her bridal style, having her hold her heels.

I shut the door, going inside and to the elevator.

When we got to her house I placed her down.

"Thank you." She told me.


"Everything. The food, clothes, money, nails, this." She motioned to the penthouse.

I smiled.

"Of course."

She walked to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, pressing her head to my chest firmly.

I hummed, bending down and reciprocating the affection.

But I couldn't hide my smile.

I was fucking good.

My truth was the biggest deception.

Making that little brain mush, just for me.

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